超萌孩子狂侃2012奥运笑翻全场(视频)超萌萝莉正太看2012伦敦奥运萌翻全场 媒体来源:新浪教育
继续为大家带来小孩如何看待热门视频节目。2012年伦敦奥运会目前激战正酣,那么美国的熊孩子们是如何看待这四年一度的体育盛事的呢?一起来看看吧! kids react to pop culture. This episode: 2012 Olympics. 小孩如何看待流行文化。这一集:2012奥运会。 This summer, the world will gather in London. Oh the London olympics. Oh the olympics, i got it. American will embrace returning stars, Michael Phelps. Yea! swimming. So dramatic, so intents, so cheerful. The 2012 Olympic Games, London, London England. I'm so excited. 这个夏季,全球瞩目伦敦上演伦敦奥运会。哦!我知道了,是奥运会。这个夏季美国将迎接巨星的归来,麦克尔-菲尔普斯。Yeah!游泳。好激动,好紧张,好欢乐。2012奥运会,伦敦,伦敦英格兰,我好激动。 Question time! 提问时间! So what was that commercial for? It's for the 2012 Olympics Games, the 2012 Olympics Games. Have you ever heard of olympics? Not really. Of cause. I'm in Olympic shirt under this. Of cause! guys! I'm not stupid! No! I've never heard of something like the olympics. So, what is the Olympics? The olympics is where like a bunch of like superstar athletes from different parts of the world compete. It's like every sport combine. Gymnastics, swimming, other stuff i forgot, cause it's been 4 years, I don't have a good memory. How often do they have the Olympics? Every year, every year or two, every four years, Olympics every four years. 那是个什么广告?是2012奥运会,2012 奥运会。你有听说过奥运会吗?没有。当然,我里面就穿了件奥运的衣服。当然听说过!我又不傻!没!我从没听说过什么奥运会!奥运会是什么?奥运会就是.。。来自不同地区的一群超级体育明星,聚在一起一争高下。是所有运动的整合,体操,游泳,还有一些我忘记了,因为已经4年了,我记性不好。奥运会多长时间举行一次?每年。每一两年吧。每四年。奥运会每四年一次。 Why do you think it's every four years, not every year? Because people need time to train. So people would have to wait to see the exciment. Do you think the Olympics are good thing or the bad thing for the world? Good. I think it's a good thing. Good thing. And what's good thing about it? It gives your chance to meet people not really judge them. I think it bonds a lot people like from all over. You meet someone from other side of the world. Hey, i've never even met you before, but you're pretty cool. It's like the only thing we actually have fun with instead of fighting over Debt, Money, Power. You gonna meet different people i mean would you wanna meet different people? You? Yes, what about you? Yea, we all wanna see different cultures huh! 为什么会是四年,而不是一年一次?因为他们需要时间训练。这样人们就必须等待那个兴奋的时刻。你认为奥运会对世界来说是好事还是坏事?好。我认为是好事。好事。好是因为什么呢?给你一个与人相识而不去评判彼此的机会。我认为它团结了很多人,你可以认识来自其他国家的人。嘿!我们虽然不认识,但你真你很不错!这是我们唯一可以一起享受的事情,而不是为了争夺债务,金钱,权利。你可以认识不同的人。你愿意去认识不同的人吗?你呢?是的,那你呢?是的,我们都想看看其它地方的文化,对吧! What is the point over all of having Olympic Games? Like peace, through sports. Because people wants to get first place. You wanna see if... can that country do better, not to be racist, but can that country do better than that country. CUTE! And what do you win if you win the Olympics? A trophy or a medal. Gold rings. If you finish first you get a gold medal, if you finish second you get a silver medal, if you finish third you get a bronze medal. In this economy we should have money, but we're just getting medals. And there is also a need for a lot security in the Olympic Games, why do you think they need extra security versus a regular event? Because of, first of all fans, and second of all two people might get into a fight. So no bad guy can break in and steal those medals. 40 years ago like, some guy took people hostage or something with a bomb. Cause the Terrorists, i even heard that Al-Qaeda is planning a terrorist plot against the Olympics or something. 举行奥运会到底有什么意义?实现和平...通过体育。因为人们想得第一。你想看是不是.。。这个国家,不是种族歧视, 但看看这个国家是不是比那个国家强。如果你一直是赢家就没趣了,你享受了就会有趣。可爱!如果你在奥运会上赢了你会得到什么?一个奖品或者奖牌。金戒指。如果你第一名就是金牌,如果你第二名就是银牌,如果你第三名就是铜牌。现在这种经济应该给我们钱,而不是奖牌。奥运会需要很多保安,为什么奥运会的安保会比其他的要更严?因为首先.。。粉丝们,其次.。。可能会有人打架。这样坏人就没法偷走那些奖牌。40年前,有人被绑成人质,又或者是炸弹什么的。因为恐怖份子,我听说基地组织对奥运会有预谋。 When do you think the first olympics were? No idea. I have no idea. Were the Greece, 1400 BC or something. It was a time of ancient Greece, when there was a town called olympia, that's why it's called olympics. I know that original olympics they did in naked. Should they still do that now? No i hope not. What's your fav olympics sport? Archery. Swimming. Swimming, because i am a swimmer. Swimming or running. Gymnastics, soccer. Climbing on the monkey bars, i don't know if that's a sport though, CUTE! 你认为第一届奥运会是什么时候?不知道。不知道。是在希腊,公元1400年左右。是在古希腊,有一个镇叫奥林匹亚,这也是为什么现在会叫作奥林匹克。我知道第一届奥运会时,他们都是裸体进行的。他们现在还应该那样吗?不,我希望不会。你最喜欢的奥林匹克运动?射箭。游泳。游泳,因为我喜欢游泳。游泳或者田径。体操,足球。爬上猴子杠,我不知道那算不算是运动。可爱! Can you name any of athletes will be in the Olympics this year? Nope. Michael Phelps. Michael Phelps ,Ryan Lochte,Jordan Weaver, Usain Bolt. What about anyone that's ever been in olympics ever, you know any of them? Has george washington. No, he was just the President. Shoot! How many more medals do you think Michael Phelps will win this year? I'm just gonna say one more medal. I say three at most. 4 gold and Ryan Lochte will win the rest.2. Do you know who he is though? I hope he wins all, so he gets one thousand money maybe. Grounded couple months ago he starts smoking pot, but i don't think that will affect him. 能说出今年参赛运动员里的任意一个吗?不行。麦克尔--菲尔普斯。瑞安-洛赫特(游泳),乔丹-韦弗(篮球) 尤塞恩-博尔特(田径飞人)。那么包括以前参加过奥运会的呢?你有认识的吗?乔治华盛顿有参加吗?没,他只是总统。见鬼!麦克尔-菲尔普斯今年能赢多少奖牌?我想就只再赢一个。顶多三个。四个,然后瑞安-洛赫特赢其他剩下的。你知道他是谁吗?我希望他赢所有的,那他可能就有1000奖金了。几个月前有捉到他在吸大麻,但我不认为这会影响到他。 Do you plan to watch olympics this summer? oh, i wanna watch it live. i like the x-games better. if any athlete were watching, what would you say to them? stay in school, my friends. Michael Phelps, you are gonna rock it man! Good luck! and may the odds be ever in your favor! good luck! you gonna need it. Where did Emma go, all i see is hair. duh!!! you CAN see my body!!! 你会看这次的奥运会吗?我想看现场直播。我更喜欢极限运动。如果有运动员看我们的节目,你想对他们说什么?好好待在学校里,我的朋友!麦克尔-菲尔普斯,你会很棒的!好运!愿好运永远相伴你左右!祝你好运!这是你需要的!Emma去哪了?我只看到头发。duh!你可以看见我的身体!!!