
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月23日 14:32   沪江英语



  - You said hello and he said what. And you said:

  - Get an ugly face in.

  - Anyone for seconds?

  - That was magnificient... You truly have a gift.

  - Well! Thank you!

  - There she is. The sweetest firefly of all creation.

  - Evangeline?

  - I want to meet this girl, where she is?

  - How can you miss her, she glows right up there, in front of you.


  1. Anyone for seconds 再来一碗么?


  2. You truly have a gift 你真的很有天赋

  3. of all creation 在世间万物中

  4. she glows right up there 她就在那儿闪光呢


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