
http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月28日 18:23   沪江英语

  《Just A Game》是电影《饥饿游戏》中的插曲,但似乎并没有在电影中出现,歌曲柔美,但却有些诡异,对《饥饿游戏》阴暗的基调有所体现,细看歌词,其实就是电影中女主角的独白。看过电影的童鞋一定要再听听这首歌,没有看过的童鞋听过歌之后应该也会有冲动去看吧~

  出生于1996年的Birdy年仅16岁,却已是英国歌手兼歌曲作家,真名为贾斯敏·范登博加尔德(Jasmine Van den Bogaerde),看姓氏,估计有荷兰血统,她的艺名Birdy更为人所知。Birdy擅长歌唱和弹奏钢琴,2008年,年仅12岁的她就赢得英国才艺比赛(Open Mic UK)18岁以下组别的冠军。曾演唱过《吸血鬼日记》第二季第21集的的插曲《Skinny Love》。


  I don't know where I am

  I don't know this place

  Don’t recognize anybody

  Just the same old empty face

  See these people they lie, and I don’t know

  Who to believe anymore

  But there comes you to keep me safe from harm

  There comes you to take me in your arms

  Is it just a game? I don’t know

  Is it just a game? I don’t know

  Pleading eyes that break my heart

  So homesick and confused

  But I know I must play my part

  And tears I must conceal

  There comes you to keep me safe from harm

  There comes you to take me in your arms

  Is it just a game? I don’t know

  To keep you safe from my world

  Take my hand and my heart races

  The flames illuminate our faces

  And we’re on fire

  Blow a kiss to the crowd

  They’re our only hope now

  And now I know my place

  And now I know my place

  We’re all just pieces in their games


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