老美认为孩子最不该对父母说的9句话很多有口无心的话的确会让父母难过很久。父母渐渐老去,我们应该做的就是听话孝顺,常回家看看。下面来看看美国人总结的不应该对父母说的9句话: 1. "Why do I have to do the dishes? I didn’t even eat!" (maybe just this meal - how about all the thousands of others you've eaten here over the last many years) 为什么要我洗碗?我压根就没吃饭!(父母吐槽:可能这顿没吃,不过养你这么大你吃了多少顿饭,碗都洗了么?) 2. "Walk the dog? I’ve had a hard day at school can’t dad do it?" 遛狗?我今天在学校累了个半死,为嘛爸爸不能去? 3. "Wadda ya mean I have to brush my teeth every day?" (this coming from a kid who has over 6 cavities and hates the dentist) 我为什么每天都要刷牙啊?(这句话出自一个有6颗蛀牙还讨厌牙医的小朋友之口) 4. "God mom, can you please stop talking? I heard you, I heard you, I heard you!" (meanwhile they rarely do what I asked) 老妈你能不能别说了?我都听到了,听到了!(父母吐槽:左耳进右耳出,我说的你从来不做) 5. "I hate you!" (ooh, this one really hurts) 我讨厌你!(这句话还真伤人) 6. "You just don’t get it, you never do!" 反正你就是不懂,你根本不懂我! 7. "I promise." (kids do not know the meaning of this word - no way, no how) 我保证。(父母吐槽:孩子们是永远不懂这个词的含义,不管怎么样就是不懂) 8. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease mom? Pleeeeeeeeeease..." (enough said) 求你了妈妈?求你了求你了求你了~~(父母吐槽:够了) 9. "I’m running away and never coming back!" (yeah, right! you promise?) 我要离家出走再也不回来了!(父母吐槽:好耶!你保证说到做到?)