
2013年03月23日12:38  新浪教育 微博   


  Niklas Capps getsready for recess at

  Clara Barton Center for Children in Cabin John, Md., Feb. 11.Teachers at the school focus on promoting self-control。


  Self-control keeps us from eating a whole bagof chips or from running up the credit card. A new study says thatself-control

  makes the difference between getting a good job or going to

  jail - and welearn it in preschool。


  "Children who had the greatestself-control in


  school andpreschool ages were most likely to have fewer health problems whenthey reached their 30s," says Terrie Moffitt, a professor ofpsychology at Duke University and King's College London。


  Moffitt and a team of researchers

  studied agroup of 1,000 people born in New Zealand in 1972 and 1973,tracking them from birth to age 32. The new study, published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the best evidence yet onthe payoff for learning self-discipline early on。


  The researchers define

  self-control ashaving skills like conscientiousness, self-discipline and

  perseverance, as well as being able toconsider the consequences of actions in makingdecisions。


  The children who struggled withself-control aspreschoolers were three times as likely to have problems as youngadults. They were more prone to have a criminal record;more likely to be poor or have financial problems; and they weremore likely to be single parents。


  This study doesn't prove that thelack of self-control in childhood caused theseproblems, but the large size of the study, and the fact that itfollowed one group of people over many years, makes a good case foran effect。


  Teaching Control


  Economists and public healthofficials want to know whether teaching self-control couldimprove a population's physical and financial healthand reduce crime. Three factors appear to be key to a person'ssuccess in life: intelligence, family's socioeconomic

  status andself-control.Moffitt's study found that self-control predicted adultsuccess, even after accounting for the participants' differences in

  social status andIQ。


  Cathie Morton, a teacher at the ClaraBarton Center for Children, leads the kids in a clapping exerciseto signal thatit is time to shift gears and start cleaningup。


  IQ and social status are hard to change. But Moffittsays there is evidence that self-control can belearned。


  "Identical twins are not identical onself-control,"she says. "That tells us that it is something they have learned,not something they have inherited."


  Teaching self-control has becomea big focus forearly childhood education. At the Clara Barton Center for Childrenin Cabin John, Md., it starts with expecting a 4-year-old to hangup her coat without being asked。


  Director Linda Owen says the childrenare expected to be responsible for a series of actions when theyarrive at school each morning, without help from Momand Dad. The children sign in, put away their lunches, hang uptheir own clothes, wash their hands before they can play, and thenchoose activities in the classroom。


  "All those things help withself-management," Owen says。


  Mediating Conflict


  Of course, not all 4-year-olds areready to manage that, so the classroom is loaded with cues andclues to help the preschoolers make their own decisions and beresponsible。


  Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate

  how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts。


  A series of seven photos over the

  sink shows thecorrect sequence for hand washing. A "solutionskit" poster

  shows techniques the children can use to resolve disagreements themselves, likesharing or playing with another toy. The two teachers give thechildren multiple cues when it's time to clean up:Lights flash, abell rings and the children clap and count to 100. That makes iteasier to switch gears without ameltdown。


  If a child has problems withself-management, the teachers make a customized "visual cue" card, withphotos of the four play choices in the room, to make the decision



  And teachers Cathie Morton andDaniela Capbert don't just supervise - they're in the thick of thechildren's play so that when the inevitable conflicts arise, they can


  the children into other activities or help them talk through theirfeelings。


  When things do go wrong, there areconsequences. Timeouts and apologies don't mean much to children at this age, Owensays, so the teachers try to match consequences to the deed. When one ofthe children accidentally knocks over a 2-foot-tall tower of blocksthat several children had spent half the morning building, theteachers ask the builders what should happen next. "Help fix it,"one boy says. And, with a little prompting from the adults, they all

  pitch in andrebuild。


  Self-Control At Home


  Parents can help their children learnself-control.Mary Alvord is a clinical psychologist inSilver Spring, Md., whose new book, Resilience BuilderProgram for Children and Adolescents, teaches self-control

  strategies. Take small steps, she says. For example, preschoolerscan learn that they don't always get what they want immediately;they may need to wait for that treat。


  "I call it Grandma's rule," Alvordsays. "No dessert until you finish your dinner."


  Parents can help teenagers learnself-control bymaking sure the family has clear rules for things like curfew orfinishing homework before they have screen time. Teenager who have problemswith impulsivity may benefit from special driving classes thatlet them practice controlling the car in difficult conditions on aracetrack. For all teens, clear rules such as curfews help them




  Though self-control can be improved throughout life,Moffitt says the earlier children can learn these skills ofself-discipline and perseverance, the better. "The later youwait in life to try to learn self-control skills, the more problems you haveto reverse and



  All the more reason to start pickingup blocks when you're very young。


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