
2013年04月14日14:07  沪江英语 微博   
Parenting Lengthens Life Parenting Lengthens Life
Social Networks Are Good For You Social Networks Are Good For You
Sisters Decrease Loneliness Sisters Decrease Loneliness
Friends And Family Make A Difference In Your Healthy Habits Friends And Family Make A Difference In Your Healthy Habits
Dads Influence Teens' Sexual Activity Dads Influence Teens' Sexual Activity
Mothers Influence Child's Obesity Mothers Influence Child's Obesity
Sisters Spread Happiness Sisters Spread Happiness
Talking With Mom Lowers Stress Talking With Mom Lowers Stress

  'Tis the season to gather those you love and soak up the quality time together. And really, we should be doing this all year round -- even research shows that spending time with loved ones is good for health。现在的这个时候,你是不是和你爱的家人朋友在一起共度欢乐时光?事实上,我们天天都应该这样度过,都有研究表明和爱的人共度时光对健康有益。

  From decreasing loneliness to slashing stress levels, from helping with quitting smoking to making a difference in healthy eating habits, check out these eight reasons why it's healthy to spend time with people you love。从减少孤独感到缓解压力,从帮助戒烟到养成健康的饮食习惯,看看下面这八个原因,告诉你为什么和爱的人共度更健康吧!

  Parenting Lengthens Life当父母可以长寿Being a parent -- especially being a mom -- is linked with living longer, according to a study of 21,276 couples from Denmark。对丹麦21276的夫妻调查显示,当父母——尤其是做妈妈,可以长寿。

  The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, showed that women who gave birth to children were four times less likely to die early from cancer, accidents or circulatory disease. Fathers also had lower risks of early death from these causes。发表在《流行病学与公众健康》期刊的调查结果表明,生过孩子的女人,因为癌症、事故和循环系统疾病死亡的几率要低四倍,当爸爸同样也会降低得这些病的风险。

  Big Social Networks Are Good For Your Health大一些的社交圈对健康有益

  Having many strong social ties could help you live a longer, healthier life, according to a study from Brigham Young University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers。根据阳伯明翰大学以及北卡大学教堂山分校调查者研究显示,强烈的社交纽带能让你长寿健康。

  The study showed that social ties' impact on longevity is actually the same as that which is seen between people who smoke and don't smoke, TIME reported。根据时代周刊报道,有研究表明社交对长寿的影响,实际上就等同于抽烟的人和不抽烟的人之间寿命的区别。

  Sisters Decrease Loneliness姐妹们减少孤独感

  Having a sister is good for your mental health, according to research from Brigham Young University。根据阳伯明翰大学的研究,有个姐妹对你的精神健康有好处。

  Specifically, researchers found that having a sister could help preteens to feel less lonely, self-conscious and afraid -- and more loved。另外,调查者发现有一个姐妹能让孩子减少孤独感、自私以及担忧--也会更有爱。

  And researchers found that having a sister or a brother was linked with more inclination to do good deeds, according to the Journal of Family Psychology study。研究者同时还发现,根据《家庭心理周刊》的报道,有兄弟姐妹的孩子们似乎更愿意做好事。

  Friends And Family Make A Difference In Your Healthy Habits朋友们和家人决定你的健康习惯

  Your friends and family are highly influential when it comes to the kind of lifestyle you lead, according to a 2011 survey.2011年的一项调查显示,你的朋友们和家人会严重影响你的生活方式。

  Blisstree.com reported that 36 percent of people say their nutrition is affected by influence from their friends and family. And 46 percent of people in the survey said that their loved ones make a difference in their overall healthy lifestyles.Blisstree网站报道说,36%的人说他们的饮食受到了家人和朋友的影响,还有46%的调查者说他们爱的人对自己健康的生活方式有着很大的影响。

  Dads Influence Teens' Sexual Activity爸爸影响青少年的性行为

  Having a strong bond with Dad makes a big difference when it comes to risky teen sexual behavior, according to a study in the journal Pediatrics。《儿科》期刊调查显示,和爸爸关系亲密,会对青少年性行为产生很大的差别影响。

  It showed that dads who were open about talking about sex and their opinions on sex with their children made a bigger influence on their children's actual sexual activity。调查显示,如果父亲对自己的孩子开诚布公的谈论性方面的问题以及他们对性的看法,将会对孩子实际的性行为产生重大影响。

  Mothers Influence Child's Obesity妈妈影响着孩子的体重

  Being close with your mom could have an impact on your weight, according to a study published last year in the journal Pediatrics。《儿科》期刊去年发表的研究显示妈妈会影响你的体重。

  The study shows that the relationship between a mom and her child when the child is young seems to be associated with his or her weight later on as a teen. Specifically, young kids with close relationships with their moms were less likely to be obese in the study in adolescence, compared with those with more distant relationships with their moms during toddlerhood, CNN reported。调查显示妈妈和孩子幼年时期的关系,会对孩子青少年时期的体重产生影响。调查中特别指出,和那些幼年时期与妈妈关系 疏远的孩子相比,和妈妈关系密切的孩子成年之后会不怎么可能变胖。

  Sisters Spread Happiness姐妹们能传播幸福

  Spending time with your sister could help you feel happier, according to a University of Ulster study。奥斯特大学的一项调查显示,和姐妹在一起能让你觉得更加幸福。

  The study, which included 571 people between ages 17 and 25 , showed that people with sisters had greater family communication, BBC News reported。根据BBC新闻报道,一项针对571位17-25岁的年轻人的调查显示,有姐妹的人会和家人有更多的交流。

  "Emotional expression is fundamental to good psychological health and having sisters promotes this in families," study researcher Tony Cassidy told BBC News。“情感交流是心理健康的基础,有了姐妹能在家庭中促进这一点。” 调查的研究者Tony Cassidy对BBC新闻这样表示。

  Talking With Mom Lowers Stress和妈妈聊天缓解压力

  Spending some quality talk time with Mom could help to lower stress, according to a 2010 study conducted by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers。威斯康星大学2010年的研究表明和妈妈谈话能缓解压力。

  Health.com reported that talking on the phone with Mom seemed to decrease stress hormones and increase the feel-good chemical oxytocinamong young girls, between ages 7 and 12.健康网站报道称,7-12岁的小女孩和妈妈打电话,似乎能降低压力荷尔蒙,同时增加让人感觉不错的化学物质催产素。

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