
2013年05月11日11:26  新浪教育 微博   




  此外,2010年初的一份学术研究报告显示,入狱、缓刑和发生法律问题的青少年拥有特别名字的机率超出平均水平,如沃特(Walter)、厄内斯特(Ernest)、伊万(Ivan)、凯林姆(Kareem)、马尔科姆(Malcolm)、布莱斯顿(Preston)或贾兰德(Garland)等。研究人员将少年犯的名字与一个人口众多的美国大州的青少年名字进行对比,发现拥有普通名字的年轻人,如迈克尔、马修(Matthew)、克里斯托弗(Christopher)、戴维、瑞恩(Ryan)或布莱恩(Brian)等,犯事的可能性更低。这项研究是由宾州西盆斯贝格大学(ShippensburgUniversity)做出的,报告刊登在《社会科学季刊》(Social Science Quarterly)上。





  If you are pondering giving your baby a distinctive name -like, say, Garland or Malcolm - you might want to think again。

  Not only do kids with unusual names tend to rise to the top ofbig companies less often than others, but they also are more likelyto wind up in jail。

  Names like Michael, David, John, James, Richard, Paul, Edwardand Robert are significantly more common among Fortune 1000 CEOs,compared with that same age group in the population as a whole, USAToday reported recently. (Not enough women appear among corporateleaders to assess the relative clout of female names。)

  Separately, a scholarly study reported earlier this yearshowed that juveniles in jail, on probation or otherwise in troublewith the law had an above-average likelihood of having unpopularnames - such as Walter, Ernest, Ivan, Kareem, Malcolm, Preston orGarland. The study compared juvenile delinquents' names with thoseof the population as a whole in a large, populous state.Researchers found youth with common names, such as Michael,Matthew, Christopher, David, Ryan or Brian, were less likely to getin trouble. The research, conducted at Shippensburg University,appeared in Social Science Quarterly。

  Of course, many people with unusual names - Barack, forexample, or Oprah - have done fine. A child’s name alone doesn’tshape his or her life. The Shippensburg study found unusual nameswere linked with other factors that make life harder for kids, suchas a weaker family structure, poverty or low education. Kids withpopular names tended to live among higher-income, better-educatedpopulations. For example, the name Allison is usually selected bymothers with 17 or more years of schooling, and bypassed by motherswithout a high school diploma。

  Other research has suggested, however, that uncommon names canhave a direct impact on kids, embarrassing them in their formativeyears, the USA Today story says. While parents might want theirchildren to feel special or unique, it may be better to givechildren names that encourage them to be team players and put egoaside。

  Also, adults may treat kids with unusual names differently inhanding out opportunities; one widely reported experiment foundthat among 5,000 resumes sent to prospective employers, jobapplicants with names that suggested an African-American backgroundwere less likely to receive interview callbacks。

  Jugglers have had animated discussions in the past about babynames. How important do you think a name, especially an unusualone, is in setting someone’s course in life? Did you think aboutthe social or career effects of the names you chose for yourchildren?

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