全职爸爸正当红 妈妈成家里顶梁柱(图)

2013年06月09日14:26  沪江英语 微博   
全职爸爸正当红 妈妈成家顶梁柱全职爸爸正当红 妈妈成家顶梁柱

  The rise of the stay-at-home dad: One in seven families now have father as primary carer for children全职爸爸数量上升:在现在英国的家庭中,每7个中就有1个家庭的爸爸是照顾孩子的首要选择。

  Here are now ten times as many stay-at-home dads as a decade ago, a survey has revealed。英国一项调查显示,现在英国全职爸爸的数量比起十年前整整翻了十倍。

  The findings suggest there are 1.4million men – in one in seven families – whose main role is primary carer for their children。这一发现表明,现在有140万的男性(每7个家庭中就有1个)的主要角色是在家照顾孩子。

  The result is ten times higher than similar surveys found a decade ago and shows that fathers are now willing in large numbers to relinquish the responsibility for being the family breadwinner and instead take on the burdens of the home。这一结果是十年前相似调查发现的全职爸爸数量的十倍。现在有很多的父亲放弃养家糊口的责任,而更愿意承担家务活的重担。

  Among the fathers, 43 per cent said they felt lucky to have the opportunity to stay at home and bring up their children, but 46 per cent said the decision to stay at home was taken to allow the family’s main earner to keep working。在这些父亲中,43%的人表示他们觉得很幸运,能有机会待在家里养育孩子,不过另有46%的人表示,要决定是全职爸爸还是全职妈妈,主要取决于要让家里的主要经济来源能继续工作。

  And the research also found a downside to the switch of childcare duties from women to men, with almost one in five stay-at-home fathers saying that their role makes them feel ‘less of a man’, while around one in eight admitted that looking after children is harder than holding down a job. 不过研究也发现带孩子的责任从女性转变到男性身上这一社会现象也呈现出了下降趋势。有20%的全职爸爸表示这样的身份角色让他们觉得自己“不太像个男人”,有12.5%的全职爸爸则承认照顾孩子则比保住一份工作要难多了。

  The collapse of the gender pay gap – women under 30 now earn more than men and older women are usually only paid less if they take time off to bring up families – means mothers are highly likely to have fatter pay packets than fathers。随着性别薪水差距的瓦解崩溃,现在30岁以下的女性挣得比男性要多,而对于年纪大一些的女性来说,只有在她们要休假抚养孩子的情况下,薪水报酬才会较少。这一现象也意味着母亲的工资待遇很有可能比父亲的要丰厚。

  And while women are now able to be the family breadwinner, a third of mothers feel guilty about going out to work and leaving the children. 不过虽然现在女性可以成为养家糊口的顶梁柱,还是有三分之一的母亲感到很愧疚,因为要出去工作只能离开孩子。

  A further one in five complain that they are really doing two jobs because they have to look after the home when they get back from work, and one in ten say the division of household chores causes marital discord。也有另外20%的母亲在抱怨其实她们在做两份工作,往往工作回来之后还要照顾家庭。有10%的女性表示家务活分工的分歧会造成夫妻不和。

  Around two out of three mothers of young children have jobs, encouraged by family-friendly and flexible working laws and the need for many families to have two incomes in order to pay mortgages and meet the bills。受适合家庭生活的弹性工作制法律的鼓励,同样也因为许多家庭需要两份收入要支付贷款和账单,现在大约有三分之二的母亲有工作。

  There was strong evidence that many women would prefer to stay at home themselves if the family economics were different. In the past surveys have repeatedly found that three quarters of working mothers would prefer to stay at home。有力证据表明,如果家庭经济情况更好,许多女性还是更愿意待在家里的。以前的调查多次发现有75%的职业女性更愿意在家做全职妈妈。

  This one showed just 15 per cent of mothers said they felt lucky to be able to go out to work while their husband looked after the children。在此次的调查中,只有15%的女性表示觉得很幸运因为有丈夫在家照顾孩子,自己可以出来工作。

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