英儿童上网交友过度 纯洁友情变质(图)

2013年07月08日14:43  沪江英语 微博   

  Teenagers can suffer from 'Facebook depression' after becoming obsessed with the social networking website, an influential group of doctors has warned. Being shunned on a social networking website can be more harmful than if a child is ignored by their friends in real-life, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The group, which has published its first set of social media guidelines, explains that online harassment 'can cause profound psycho-social outcomes', including suicide – as seen with schoolboy Tom Mullaney last May。

英儿童上网交友过度 纯洁友情竟变质英儿童上网交友过度 纯洁友情竟变质


  AAP lead researcher Dr Gwenn O'Keeffe, a Boston-based paediatrician, said that social media had the power to 'interfere with homework, sleep and physical activity' among the young. 'Parents need to understand these technologies so they can relate to their children's online world – and comfortably parent in that world,' she said. The AAP guidelines state teenagers need to be monitored when using Facebook. Dr O'Keeffe added that the site provides a skewed view because its users cannot see body language or facial expressions which provide context for messages posted on the site。

  来自《美国儿科协会》的首席研究员Dr Gwenn O'Keeffe说:“社交网络对我们生活影响巨大,特别是对于当今的青少年儿童这一块人群来说,社交网络过渡地深入我们的生活,影响睡眠质量以及生活状态等等。”此外,研究员Dr Gwenn O'Keeffe还建议,作为父母,他们应该和自己的孩子一道学习社交网络技能,并融入孩子们的虚拟世界中,这样有助于正确引导孩子们的交友方面的价值观。在一个由美国儿科协会起草的网络社交网站指南上,专家们给孩子提供了专业的、健康的指导,因孩子们在使用社交网络的时候,不能看到对方的身体语言、以及脸部表情等等,在指导中,专家们特别提供了可供孩子们参考可正确鉴别对方信息的方式、方法。

  Studies to determine the effects of using Facebook have been inconclusive, with some experts suggesting it is good for your self-esteem. Dr Megan Moreno, a University of Wisconsin adolescent medicine specialist who has studied online social networking among college students, said using Facebook can enhance social connections among some youngsters, while having the opposite effect on those prone to depression. She said parents should not think that the site 'is going to somehow infect their kids with depression'。

  据悉,随着关于如何正确使用Facebook社交网络的研究的深入,越来越多的专家认为此举有助于提高自我意识、自尊的建立。来自威斯康星大学的研究青春期医学的专家Dr Megan Moreno表示,社交网络可以加强年轻人之间的友谊以及他们的联系,使得交友更加便捷和方便。然而,社交网络对交友带来的负面影响不容忽视,当然,父母们也不用太过紧张,只要平衡两者之间的利弊,就可以把虚拟交友功能尽可能的发挥。

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