12岁埃及少年谈政治走红 网友赞是当总统的料

2013年07月10日15:33  沪江英语 微博   

  In a video interview with Egyptian news outlet El Wady, first grader Ali Ahmed delivers an incredibly precocious condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood that will leave you speechless。

  这段由埃及媒体El Wady播出的视频采访中,这个预科学校一年级男孩阿里-艾哈迈德发表了惊人见解,对穆斯林兄弟会的谴责声讨令人无言以对。

  Touching on topics like Egypt's wealth inequality, lack of rights for women, and oversize influence of religion on politics, Ahmed's articulate censure of the Egyptian government -- although filmed back in October -- is more apt now than ever, as the military removed Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi from power on Wednesday, just one year after he was elected to office。


  In regards to the new constitution Ahmed says, “What is built in falsehood is false itself. Even if the constitution is nice, if the assembly that drafted it is bad, we will end up with something bad。”


  While some Reddit commenters have questioned whether the interview was improperly translated or may have been staged, Arabic-speaking commenters say the translation is accurate, and the boy's evident passion in speaking suggests his tirade was not scripted. To this Ahmed responds: “I listen to people a lot and I use my own brain. Plus I read newspapers, watch TV and search the Internet。”


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