
2013年07月22日11:57  沪江英语 微博   

  The royal baby, who will be third-in-line to the throne, will be born in the private Lindo wing of St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, where the Duke of Cambridge was also born. The Duke plans to be with his wife throughout the delivery。王室宝宝,英国王位第三顺位继承人,即将在圣玛丽医院出生,这里也是剑桥公爵威廉王子的出生地。在凯特王妃生产期间,威廉王子将会全程陪同。

  As royal commentator Alastair Bruce OBE explains, the first indication that the Duchess has given birth will come when an aide leaves the hospital carrying a sheet of paper detailing the baby’s sex, weight and time of birth. This will be handed to a driver to be taken to Buckingham Palace。王室评论员、大英帝国勋章(OBE)获得者Alastair Bruce解释说,凯特王妃生产后,将会有一名助手带着写有孩子性别、体重和出生时间的出生证明离开医院。这份出生证明会交给司机送到白金汉宫。

  The public will finally find out the details of the future heir to the throne when the notice is placed on an easel in the forecourt of the Palace。这份未来国王或女王的出生证明会在白金汉宫大门后面向公众展示。

  The first opportunity to get a glimpse of the new baby will most likely come when the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge leave hospital。要想一睹这位新诞生的王室宝宝的风采,最有可能的机会是当威廉王子夫妇离开医院的时候。

  And amidst the guessing and betting about the baby's name, Alastair Bruce adds that the child may choose to change their name when they are crowned anyway, as did the Queen's father, George VI, who was originally called Albert。在大家热火朝天地猜测王室宝宝的名字时,王室评论员Alastair Bruce表示,孩子可能会在他/她加冕时改变自己的名字。就像当今女王的父亲乔治六世一样,他的本名其实叫做阿尔伯特。


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