It’s been a heck of a day for bizarre and captivating Halloween costumes. But the first prize definitely goes to California photographer Royce Hutain who designed a LED Halloween costume for his daughter which created a startling effect in which the toddler appears to be an animated stick figure。万圣节将至,各种诡异奇艳的万圣节服装招摇过市,但最诡异奇艳的要数加利福尼亚摄影师罗伊斯·修坦为女儿设计的万圣节LED灯光服了。这套灯光服让小女孩变成了会走路的火柴人。
“She is 22 months old and loves wearing the suit,” Hutain writes on his YouTube page。“她才1岁10个月大,非常喜欢穿这套服装,”修坦在他的Youtube页面上这样写道。
In the video, his daughter walks down a dark hallway giggling. It’s only as the strange, animated stick figure gets closer to the camera that it becomes clear it’s a child wearing a suit of lights。在视频里,他的小女儿咯咯笑着从黑暗的小巷里走出来。看起来就像一个奇怪的、会动的火柴人朝镜头走来,随后你才发现原来这是一个穿着灯光服的小孩子。
Since it was first posted on Tuesday morning, the video has been viewed more than 150,000 times in 24 hours. And that number is bound to grow quickly with all the attention Hutain, and his very bright kid, have been generating。自上周二这段视频被上传到网上之后,24小时内已获得15万的点击量,修坦和他聪明的女儿立刻获得了网友的关注。该视频获得的点击量还在继续上升。