
2014年07月31日18:05  新浪教育     收藏本文     




  James Joyce may be best known as a poet, playwright, short story writer and novelist. But in an August 10, 1936 letter his grandson, Stephen, Joyce planted the story seeds of what became The Cat and the Devil — a charming children’s picture-book, originally illustrated by French cartoonist Roger Blachon, about the cat of Beaugency and a moral dilemma, a classic fable narrative mixing Irish wit with French folklore, shaken and stirred with Joyce’s extraordinary storytelling。



  Joyce’s original letter to “Stevie” can be found in Stuart Gilbert’s 1964 volume, Letters of James Joyce. We Too Were Children has more images, a synopsis and a timeline of different editions。




  In 1865, legendary satirist Mark Twain did something unexpected — he penned a children’s story, titled Advice to Little Girls, in which he challenged children to digest the kind of intelligent humor and knowledge he was, and still is, known for among his adult audiences. The story was eventually published in The 30,000 Dollar Bequest and Other Stories。

  今年,意大利出版局 Donzelli Editore 出版了这套插图优美的意大利语翻译版本,装帧采用了马克·吐温时代常见的用来涂鸦和收集奇思妙想的剪贴簿形式。

  This year, Italian publishing house Donzelli Editore released a beautifully illustrated Italian translation of the story, envisioned in the style of the scrapbooks and small albums the children of Twain’s era used for doodling and collecting various curious ephemera。




  弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫成名作问世前的1923年,她的两个侄子创办的报纸《查尔斯顿公报》向她约稿,《寡妇和鹦鹉》的故事就这样诞生了。这个故事是个关于善待动物的道德故事,带有半开玩笑的性质,沃尔夫的大侄子昆汀表示对这个故事很失望,说它“戏弄人.。。拿维多利亚时代最糟糕的故事垫底” ,没有他期望的沃尔夫典型的颠覆性幽默感。她从百忙的文学创作中抽出时间来为一本家庭项目做贡献,不由让人看到沃尔夫体贴的一面。

  In 1923, with her greatest works still ahead of her, Virginia Woolf responded to a submissions call from a family newspaper called The Charleston Bulletin, published by her teenage nephews. The Widow and the Parrot is, roughly, a tongue-in-cheek moral story about kindness to animals and though Quentin, Woolf’s older nephew, bemoaned it as a disappointment and “a tease…based on the worst Victorian examples,” devoid of Woolf’s typical subversive humor he had hoped for, it remains a sweet reflection of character, her taking the time to contribute to a small family pet project in the heat of her literary career。



  The Widow and the Parrot stayed dormant in the archives of The Charleston Bulletin for over half a century, until it finally saw light of day in the 1982 issue of Redbook, celebrating 100 years since Woolf’s birth。



  Ariel Wright has more on We Too Were Children。



  T.S. 艾略特通常被认为是20世纪英语国家最重要的诗人。30年代的时候,艾略特以笔名“老负鼠”写了一系列给儿孙的书信,里面包含了很多关于猫咪心理学和社会学的诗歌,可谓天马行空之作。这些诗歌最终编集成册,以《擅长装扮的老猫经》一书出版。书中的原插画是作者自己绘制的。但是基于我们跟世纪中期的插画家爱德华·高威的老交情,我们向您隆重推荐由高威配图的1982年版本,他独特的黑白画绘风,让人毛骨悚然的同时也奇趣盎然。

  T.S. Eliot is often regarded as the most important English-language poet of the 20th century. In the 1930s, Eliot, under his assumed name “Old Possum,” wrote a series of letters to his godchildren, in which he included a handful of whimsical poems about feline psychology and sociology. They were eventually published in 1939 as Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, originally illustrated by the author himself. But, given our affinity for mid-century illustrator Edward Gorey, the even bigger treat is the 1982 edition illustrated by Gorey in his signature style of black-and-white drawings at the intersection of the macabre and the whimsical。



  Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats inspired the iconic Broadway musical Cats。



  玛丽· 雪莱是划时代小说《佛朗克斯坦》的作者,她1818年在伦敦匿名出版这部小说之后和1823年法国署名再版之前的1820年,完成了《莫里斯,或者渔夫的小屋》—一个写给朋友女儿的儿童故事。雪莱试图说服她的父亲威廉·葛德文为她出版,但遭到拒绝,于是这部童书掩埋了近两个世纪。1997年,学者们在意大利发现一部手抄本,被认为是现代文学取证史上的壮举。

  Between the time Mary Shelley published anonymous edition of her iconic Frankenstein in London in 1818 and the publication of the second edition in France in 1823, where her name appears for the first time, she penned Maurice, or The Fisher’s Cot — a children’s story Shelley wrote in 1820 for a daughter of friends. Shelley tried to have the story published by her father, William Godwin, but he refused, burying the text for nearly two centuries. In 1997, scholars discovered a manuscript copy was in Italy, considered one of modernity’s great feats of literary forensics。



  The story, written in the straightforward Romantic language of poet William Wordsworth, whose work Shelley was reading at the time she composed Maurice, is about a boy searching for a home and his encounters with a traveller who turns out to be his long-lost father. With its melancholy tone and autobiographical undercurrents, the rediscovered text revealed a new glimpse of Shelley’s character and offered a precious missing link in the evolution of her literary style。




  Iconic Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy may be best-known for his epics Anna Karenina and War and Peace, considered two of the greatest novels of all time, but he also had a keen and active interest in children and children’s literature. He founded a school for peasant children on his family’s estate, followed by a second, more experimental school with the motto, “Come when you like, leave when you like” — an early model for open education. Inspired by the simplicity and innocence with which the children of his schools told stories, he began writing about his own childhood, eventually publishing a series of alphabet books after War and Peace. Known as “The ABC Book” (Azbuka) and “The New ABC Book” (Novaia Azbuka), these easy readers were widely adopted in Russia’s education system and remained in use throughout the Soviet Era。


  Classic Tales and Fables for Children features a selection of stories and fables from Tolstoy’s classic primers. Always delightful, frequently humorous and never patronizing, these wonderful tales bespeak Tolstoy’s profound respect and appreciation for children’s unique creative and moral sensibilities, as well as his dedication to the broader aspirations of education。





  In 1888, before his most iconic plays and essays made grand their debut, Oscar Wilde wrote The Happy Prince and other Tales — a poetic collection of five children’s stories about happiness, life and death. Though the most popular Western version, illustrated by Laura Stutzman, is certainly a treat, nothing compares to the astounding 1992 Chinese translation (which features an English version in the back of the book) illustrated by renowned Chinese artist Ed Young。



文章关键词: 文学泰斗儿童故事绘本马克吐温列夫托尔斯泰

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