Have you ever looked at logos and wondered what their meanings were or what inspired the designer? Here are 10 logos that you see almost every day and what they represent。你在看到商标时是否想过它们的含义,又或者思考过是什么给了商标设计者灵感?接下来我们将介绍10个几乎每天都能见到的商标以及它们背后的意义。
1. TOYOTA 丰田
The three ellipses
seen in the logo for Toyota represent three hearts: the heart of the customer, the heart of the product, and the heart of progress in the field of technology。商标中的三个椭圆代表着三颗心:顾客之心、产品之心和科技进步之心。
2. BMW 宝马
BMW has a history in aviation and its logo stays true to its roots. The blue and white represent a propeller in motion with the sky peeking through. In fact, BMW had a role in World War II as a creator of aircraft engines for the German military.BMW曾经参与过飞机制造业,它的商标也来源于此。白色和蓝色分别代表螺旋桨和蓝天。事实上,BMW曾在二战期间为德军生产飞机引擎。
3. Apple 苹果
The Apple logo represents the forbidden fruit from the “Tree of Knowledge” in the Biblical creation story of Adam and Eve。苹果的商标来源于《圣经》亚当与夏娃的故事中智慧树的禁忌果。
4. FedEx 联邦快递
This logo is so creative. If you look closely you will see the arrow between the letter ‘E’ and ‘X’, which represents the company’s forward thinking ways and outlook towards the future。这是一个很有创意的商标。E和X之间的空隙拼成了一个箭头,代表公司高瞻远瞩、展望未来。
5. Mercedes-Benz 梅赛德斯奔驰
The Mercedes-Benz logo is the most confident of all. The tri-star represents the company’s dominance in quality and style over all things land, sea and air。梅赛德斯奔驰的商标最有信心。三芒星代表公司在质量和品位上的优势超越一切,无论在陆地、天空或是海洋。
6. Adidas 阿迪达斯
The Adidas logo looks like a mountain to represent the obstacles
that people need to overcome. Originally the logo was just three stripes and didn’t stand for anything. So they kept the three stripes and just made them slanted to resemble a mountain。阿迪达斯的商标像一座山,象征着人们要跨越的障碍。最初这个商标只有三条杠,并不具有任何含义。后来阿迪达斯把三条杠设计成倾斜的来表示山峰。
7. AUDI 奥迪
Plain and simple, right? Well, no. Each of these hoops represent the 4 founding companies of the Auto-Union Consortium way back in 1932: like DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi。看起来平淡无奇,对吧?其实并非如此。4个圆环代表1932年汽车联盟公司(1985年改名为AUDI)的4个组成公司:小奇迹、霍希、漫游者和奥迪。
8. IBM国际商业机器公司
IBM’s logo has a hidden message for the whole world. The white lines passing through give the appearance of the equal sign in the lower right corner, representing equality.IBM的商标中的隐藏含义是平等。穿过蓝色字母的白色间隔在商标的右下角组成了等号。
9. Volkswagen 大众
The ‘V’ stands for “volks” which means people in German and and the ‘W’ stands for “wagen” which means car. It’s the car for the people。大众商标的含义是人民的汽车。V德语中代表“人民”(volks),W则代表汽车(wagen)。
10. Amazon 亚马逊
You may have thought the arrow looks like a smiley face, meaning Amazon’s main mission is to make their customers happy. But notice the arrow is pointing from the a to the z. This represents the fact that Amazon has a large variety of items for sale, from A to Z。你可能会想到商标里的箭头看上去像一个笑脸,意味着亚马逊的主要使命是让顾客开心。但请注意那个箭头是从a指向z,这也代表亚马逊的商品范围之广,巨细靡遗。
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