On January 7, this shaggy little bundle of joy was delivered by Caesarean section at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. Her mom is a 27-year-old Sumatran orangutan named Mariska, from the Como Park Zoo & Conservatory in Saint Paul, Minn.1月7日,在明尼苏达大学的兽医中心,这只毛绒绒的小猩猩通过剖腹产来到了世上。她的妈妈是一只苏门答腊猩猩,名叫玛丽丝卡,27岁,来自明尼苏达州圣保罗的科莫公园动物园&温室暖房。
We thought you'd enjoy having the baby girl brought to your attention。我们觉得你会喜欢这个小女孩儿的。
It was mother Mariska's second required C-section, both of which were performed at the university's medical center. "C-sections are very rare in that there are only about a dozen recorded within the International Orangutan Studbook that has tracked more than 1,200 births in captivity throughout history," said Como Zoo's primate keeper Megan Elder。这是她妈妈玛丽丝卡的第二次剖腹产了,两次剖腹产都是在大学的兽医中心里进行的。“剖腹产非常罕见。国际猩猩血统档案纪录有历史上超过1200例人工饲养猩猩的生产,其中只有十多例是剖腹产。”科莫动物园的灵长动物看管员梅根·埃尔德说到。
The new arrival weighed in at a spry 3.45 pounds。这个新生的小宝宝大约有3.45磅。
She and her mom certainly drew a crowd。不用说,她和她的妈妈肯定吸引来了很多人。
The obstetrical team boasted more than a dozen professionals -- from the disciplines of human and animal neonatal intensive care, human maternal-fetal medicine, veterinary surgery, veterinary anesthesiology, and nutrition。接生队伍阵容比普通的专家要强大得多——他们全都来自人类及动物新生儿重症监护科、人类母胎医学科、兽医外科、兽医麻醉科和兽医营养科。
The newborn should be proud. Her mother Mariska is considered one of the most genetically valuable female Sumatran orangutans in North America and was recommended for breeding by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Orangutan Species Survival Plan。小宝宝应该感到非常骄傲。她的妈妈玛丽丝卡被认为是北美基因最有价值的雌性苏门答腊猩猩之一,并且被动物园暨水族馆协会和猩猩物种生存计划推选育种。
The little girl of the hour was bottle fed by Como Zoo staff while her mom was recovering from the surgery. She and Mariska would soon be reunited at Como Zoo。科莫动物园的工作人员用奶瓶给这只刚出生不久的可人儿喂奶,而她的妈妈还在术后休养中。她和玛丽丝卡很快就能在科莫动物园里团聚了。
About 200 orangutans are currently on exhibit in zoos throughout the U.S., Como Zoo notes. In the wild, they're found primarily in Sumatra and Borneo。科莫动物园指出,现今全美国的动物园大约共饲养着200只猩猩。而野生的猩猩主要出没在苏门答腊和婆罗洲。
Orangutan populations have tumbled downward and the species is under the threat of extinction. Commercial logging, agriculture, hunting and poaching all have contributed to the animal's decline。猩猩的数量已经在迅速减少,并面临着灭绝的威胁。商业伐木、农耕、捕杀和偷猎都导致了猩猩数量的减少。
So it's always happy news when a baby gives a small ray of hope to a species in trouble。所以每当新生命的诞生给困境中的物种带来一线希望的时候,我们都会感到十分欣慰。
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