You’re not imagining it:The rich do keep getting richer. Even the fictionallyrich.
Each year Forbes calculates the net worth of the wealthiestcharacters from novels, movies, television and games, constructingportfolios based on those stories, and valuing them usingreal-world commodity and share prices. This time around, theaggregate net worth of the Fictional 15 climbed 3% to $215.8billion. That’s more than the gross domestic product ofIreland。
On the top of the list this year: Scrooge McDuck, thebillionaire bird who keeps most of his $65.4 billion fortune ingold coins, piled high inside a Duckburg money bin. The world’srichest duck started out in business when he was “just a weenipper,” polishing boots on the streets of his native Glasgow;today he owns some of the world’s largest mining concerns. Famouslypenny-pinching, Scrooge still has the first dime he everearned。
Fiction’s second richest character, the reclusive red-golddragon Smaug, spent eons holed up in his Lonely Mountain lair ontop of a horde of valuables worth $54.1 billion. But “Smaug theTremendous” has been pushed into the limelight of late, afteragreeing to appear in Peter Jackson’s trilogy of Hobbit films; nowhe spends his days in Hollywood’s exclusive Chateau Marmont。
Other rich list perennials include the billionaire playboyTony Stark. An engineering genius who earned two master’s degreesby age 19, Stark’s remarkable inventions (including the “Iron Man”combat armor) are often outshined by his ability to createcontroversy. His latest foible: publicly threatening the terroristknown as The Mandarin, who responded by destroying Stark’s Malibumansion. Still, the billionaire playboy’s net worth is actually upyear over year to $12.4 billion, thanks in large part to thestewardship of Stark Industries CEO (and subject of a recent Forbescover story) Pepper Potts。
Several new faces appear on this year’s list, includingChristian Grey, with an estimated net worth of $2.5 billion. Theenfant terrible of the business world attributes his success tohard-work, lack of personal distractions and extensive use ofbinding employment contracts: “I like to tie down my bestemployees。” A demanding task-master, he’s known for buyingunder-performing companies and whipping them into shape。
High tech hotshot Walden Schmidt also makes his firstappearance, with an estimated net worth of $1.3 billion. Schmidtflipped a startup into a billion-dollar check from Microsoft MSFT-0.38%, nearly lost everything after a break-up with hishigh-school sweetheart turned wife, and then disappeared from theSilicon Valley scene. Now reportedly living in a Malibu mansionwith persnickety best friend and his teenage son; attemptingcomeback with new business selling power-grid managementsoftware。
And a few familiar faces return to the list after fallingfrom its ranks in previous years. “Tomb Raider” Lara Croft, theCountess of Abbingdon, inherited her $1.3 billion fortune fromstaid British ancestors, but gentle birth didn’t make her mildmannered: After earning a degree in archaeology, Croft made a namefor herself discovering the long lost kingdom of Yamatai on anisland off the coast of Japan. Celebrated New York party host JayGatsby also makes a return appearance: Long Island’s most eligiblebachelor is renowned for hosting wild, all-night “flapper” soireesfueled by caviar, champagne and the Charleston。
To qualify for the Fictional 15, we require that candidatesbe an authored fictional creation, a rule which excludesmythological and folkloric characters. They must star in a specificnarrative work or series of works. And they must be known, bothwithin their fictional universe and by their audience, for beingrich。
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