A Donald Duck undercover police ploy to catch law-breaking motoristssparked a row after a woman complained she was scared of the cartoon character。
An officer from Fort Lee Police Department (FLPD) dressed up as the Disney favourite in a bid to catch motorists who failed to stop at a pedestrian crossing。
Dozens of drivers who did not slow down for Donald were issued with fines as a result of the department’s Pedestrians in the Crosswalk safety program。
New Jersey resident Karen Haigh plans to appeal the fine, claiming she did not stop as she was scared of the 6ft 4in duck pretender。
“This duck kept going to the curb, off the curb. I thought it was a crazy guy on Halloween,” she told WABC。
"They told me that I was getting a ticket for not stopping for a duck," she said. "But it scared me. I'm a woman. This huge duck scared me."
FLPD chief Keith Bendul said the point of the controversial exercise was to make the road safer for pedestrians。
"When you see a pedestrian, child, adult or duck, stop," he said. "Let them cross and proceed with your day。”
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