It's not just birds of a feather that flock together. 虽说鸟以类聚,但有时并非如此。
A crow has been photographed hitching a very rare mid-flight lift on the back of a bald eagle。照片里,一只乌鸦站在飞行中的白头海雕的背上搭顺风车。
The much larger bird of prey was hunting for a snack in the skies over Seabeck, Washington, when the cheeky crow spied an opportunity。这只比乌鸦大得多的猛禽正在华盛顿州塞贝克上空觅食,而那只厚脸皮的乌鸦发现了一个机会。
The encounter lasted just a few seconds before the birds parted and went their separate ways。两只鸟儿的相遇只延续了数秒就彼此分道扬镳。
The chance meeting was captured by amateur photographer Phoo Chan, 50.50岁的业余摄影师Phoo Chan拍下了它们的偶遇。
'I was photographing a bald eagle flying around hunting for an early meal when suddenly the crow approached the eagle from behind,' he said。他说:“我当时正在拍摄一只盘旋着寻找早餐的白头海雕,突然间,一只乌鸦从后面接近了它。”
'At first I thought the crow was going to chase away the eagle. “开始我以为这只乌鸦想要赶走白头海雕。”
'I have seen crows harassing a hawk by swooping
back and forth in order to drive it away from their territory. I was completely awed to see the crow actually land on the back of the flying eagle。“以前我见过一群乌鸦为了把老鹰赶出它们的领地,在它的周围俯冲骚扰。看到这只乌鸦竟然降落在飞行中的雕背上,令我大吃一惊。”
He added: 'It was as if it was taking a short break and at the same time a free ride。“看起来就像它小憩一下,顺便搭个便车。”他补充道。
'What's more surprising was the eagle didn't seem to mind and kept flying as if nothing happened。“更惊人的是那只雕看起来毫不在意,就像什么事都没发生一样继续飞翔。”
'I think the crow decided to land on the eagle because the eagle did not respond to its harassment so it landed briefly and then left。“我想这只乌鸦决定降落在雕背上是因为那只雕没有理会它的骚扰,于是它短暂停留后就离开了。”
'Eventually the crow flew away and the eagle continued to hunt for its breakfast. They both flew in different directions and it looked like they became friends.'“最后乌鸦飞走了,白头海雕则继续寻找早餐。它们飞向不同的方向,看起来已经成了朋友。”
Bald eagles can be found in North America, usually near large areas of open water。白头海雕生活在北美洲,通常出现在大片开阔水域附近。
They are opportunistic feeders who swoop down to grab their prey in their talons。这些种机会主义者会俯冲而下,并用爪子捉住猎物。
There is no real difference in the plumage
between male and female bald eagles - their heads and tails are white and their body is brown. But females are 25 per cent larger than males。雄性白头海雕的羽毛和和雌性并没有什么区别:它们的头和尾巴都是白色的,而身体则是棕色。不过雌性的身体要比雄性大25%。