Britain's Got Talent has brought us some cracking acts over the years - from hilarious comedy acts to daring stunts. 英国达人秀近年来让观众们见识了种类繁多的精彩表演,有滑稽的喜剧也有惊险刺激的特技。
And this year is no different, as Saturday's episode will bring us little Jesse-Jane McParland - the 9-year-old girl from Northern Ireland who does an INSANELY good martial arts routine. 来自北爱尔兰的9岁小女孩杰西·简·迈克帕兰德展示了她令人目瞪口呆的武术技能。
And by insanely good, we mean: she's already WKC youngest female world champion, nine-time WOMAA European Champion and won 117 titles before she even reached the age of nine. So that's, erm, 14 titles a year since she was born. 还不到9岁的她是世界武术协会最年轻的女性世界冠军,9次获得欧洲冠军,目前一共赢得了117项武术界奖项。额,也就是说小女孩从出生到现在平均每年获得14个奖项。
In fact, she's SO good, she's currently filming for a role in movie The Martial Arts Kid, alongside stars Cynthia Rothrock and Don ‘The Dragon' Wilson. Talk about a cool nine-year-old! 事实上,她的表演确实相当惊人。她还将参演一部名为《武术儿童》的电影,与影星辛西亚·罗斯洛克、唐·威尔逊等同台飙技。可是她才9岁啊,太酷了。
‘I really don't know my role yet, but whatever it is, I am so excited to be in The Martial Arts Kid,' she said. ‘I love all martial arts - especially the traditional martial arts.' “我还不知道我在片中的具体角色,但是不管怎样能参演这部影片都让我很兴奋,”杰西说,“我喜欢各种武术形式,尤其是传统武术。”
Not only is the young Irish lass AMAZING at what she does, she has the cutest little face in the world. Go on, girl! 这个9岁的爱尔兰小女孩不仅武艺高超,长相也相当可人。小萝莉,加油!
Jesse-Jane McParland impressed the judges with her performance so much that she received four big fat yeses, with Alesha saying: ‘You are one to watch in this competition, you are incredible!' 杰西·简·迈克帕兰德的表演给四位评委留下了极佳的印象,得到了4个yes,评委阿丽莎说:“你是这场比赛中极具潜力的选手,你真的很棒!”
Jesse-Jane explains how she began practising her martial arts at the age of three, when she decided she no longer wanted to do ballet or Irish dancing. 杰西说,她从三岁开始练习武术,那时候她就决定了自己喜欢的不是芭蕾或爱尔兰舞蹈之类的。
Err, we think you made a good choice there, Jesse! 我们只想说,杰西,这真的是一个明智的选择。
We can't wait to see this little one's next performance - which we're sure will be just as mindblowing. 很多观众已经都等不及看杰西的下一次表演了,显然可以预料她的表演依然不会让人失望。
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