
2015年07月06日11:15  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Next time you treat yourself to a sizeable slab of chocolate cake, make sure you enjoy every crumb。下次你要是想吃一大块巧克力蛋糕,那要记住每一口都好好享用哦。

  Psychologists have discovered those of us who see it as something to celebrate are much more likely to stay slim. But if you are racked with guilt afterwards, the chances are you will pile on the pounds。心理学家发现,能高兴地享用美食的人更能保持苗条的身材。倒是那些吃东西还有负罪感的人,反而更容易长胖。

  The latest research, by experts at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand, suggests the effect on human behaviour is also crucial。由新西兰坎特布里大学的专家主持的最新研究发现,人类行为对于体重有很大的影响。

  Researchers wanted to test whether guilt from scoffing chocolate cake acted as an incentive to improve weight control, or undermined dieters’ determination to succeed。研究者想测试,大快朵颐享用巧克力蛋糕是会作为控制体重的激励呢,还是被当做了减肥成功的拦路虎呢。

  They recruited almost 300 volunteers, aged from 18 to 86, and quizzed them on their eating habits and whether they were trying to lose weight。研究者招募了约300名志愿者,年龄从18到86岁不等,并研究了她们的饮食习惯,以及她们是否正在减肥。

  They also asked them if eating chocolate cake made them feel happy or guilty。研究者还询问了志愿者,吃巧克力蛋糕会让她们感到快乐还是内疚。

  The results showed 27 per cent associated it with guilt and 73 per cent with celebration. When the researchers looked at weight control 18 months later, they found those riddled with guilt had gained significantly more。结果发现,27%的人觉得吃了巧克力蛋糕会内疚,另外73%的人则是以愉悦的心情享用美味。研究者再看18个月后志愿者的体重控制情况,发现那些会觉得内疚的人体重增加得尤其明显。

  The study found guilt made people feel they had lost control of their eating because they indulged in cake. As a result, they were more inclined to abandon weight loss plans。研究发现,内疚感会让人觉得自己暴饮暴食是缺乏对体重的控制。结果就是她们会更容易放弃减肥计划。

  The researchers added: ‘Enjoyment of food is essential to people’s well-being. This study shows those who consume a ‘forbidden food’ with celebration and view it as a treat do better in terms of weight management。研究者还表示,"享受食物对身体有益"。研究显示,把吃“禁吃食物”当做是一种奖励的人在体重控制方面做得更好。


文章关键词: 双语巧克力

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