
2015年07月21日15:16  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  Flipped by the bird: Tiger ends up on its back after trying to leap up and catch feathered prey that had landed in its zoo enclosure。鸟儿让虎怦然心动:一只老虎试图捕捉飞来的飞禽,奋然跃起却仰天摔倒在地。

  This is the incredible moment a tiger was sent crashing to the floor after mistiming an attack on a fleet-footed bird。这真是不可思议的一幕,老虎追捕飞来的鸟,却因为没有算准时机而滑倒。

  The ferocious feline was chasing what was sure to be dinner when it slipped on the icy surface and lost its footing。这只凶猛的猫科动物正追逐本以为可以用作美餐的飞禽,却失足摔在了冰雪覆盖的大地上。

  As the tiger raced towards the bird, it flew directly upwards forcing the mammal to try and stop dead in its tracks。正当老虎奔向飞禽时,飞禽向上飞向空中,让这只哺乳动物试图捕捉却倒在了捕食的路上。

  The hilarious moment took place at the Hengdaohezi Siberian Tiger Park in Northeast China and was captured by photographer Libby Zhang。让人捧腹大笑的这一幕发生在中国东北的西伯利亚横道河子老虎园,由摄影师利比·张所拍摄。

  Libby, from Houston in Texas, was visiting the park and photographing the tigers' feeding session。来自美国得克萨斯州休斯敦市的利比,当时正在园内拍摄给老虎喂食的过程。

  She said: ‘The crowd burst out in a roar of laughter - it was during feeding time and several chickens were tossed at the tigers.’她说:“在场的人们看到这一幕都大笑不止,当时正是喂食时间,饲养员给老虎扔了几只飞禽。”

  One tiger tried to reach it but he lost his balance on the slippery icy and fell backwards。一直老虎试图去捕抓,却滑倒在结冰的地面上并整个摔倒在地。

  ‘I was surprised to see the tiger slip and raised my camera in a hurry with rapid fires on the trigger.’“我一看到老虎滑倒,让我很是惊讶,并马上拿起相机迅速按下快门,记录下了这一刻。”

  ‘I wanted to capture the beauty and power of tigers in the same image, but this tiger slip series was a total surprise and added bonus for my trip.’“我本来是想要拍摄老虎漂亮、健壮勇猛的一面,却不想拍到了这样一组老虎追赶飞禽而不慎滑倒的图片。这为我的这次旅程增添了不少色彩。”


文章关键词: 双语老虎飞禽美国

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