以下7种情况 你应先去找爸爸帮忙(双语)

2015年08月05日09:44  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
7种情况:你应该先去找爸爸帮忙 7种情况:你应该先去找爸爸帮忙
curfew curfew
glasses glasses
horse horse
carpet carpet
hearts hearts
ice cream ice cream

  Mom is great and all, but there were just some situations when you wanted to go to Dad first. It didn’t mean one parent was better than the other, it just meant that for that particular moment in time, Dad was more equipped to assist -- as in he was more likely to present you with the outcome you wanted. 对一个孩子来说,妈妈确实是非常伟大的,不过,确实有些情况,让你觉得应该先去向爸爸求助。这并不是说爸爸妈妈两人中谁比谁更厉害,只不过,在特定的时候,爸爸更能够为你提供援助——也就是说,他更能帮你实现你期望的结果。

  1.You backed into a co-worker’s car the first time Mom let you drive her brand-new wheels。当妈妈把自己崭新的车子让给你开,你却躲进了同事的车里。(教你学车的当然应该是爸爸!)

  2.You were out an hour passed curfew and wanted to stay out and go with your friends to pick up fast food. 当时间已经比妈妈规定的宵禁时间晚了一个小时,你却还想呆在外面和朋友们玩、一起去吃些垃圾食品。

  3.Your wooden rocking horse came off its runners。当你的小木马忽然跟下面的底座分家了。

  4.You lost a screw from your glasses while playing four square on the playground。当你正在操场上玩四人手球游戏,你的眼镜被撞坏了,掉了一颗螺丝。

  5.You needed help making Mom less mad at you for spilling nail polish on the carpet。当你不小心把指甲油洒在了地毯上,需要一个和事佬好让妈妈消气。

  6.You sought guidance in matters of the heart. 在感情问题上你需要指导的时候。

  7.You needed to feed an ice cream craving. 当你忽然特别想吃冰淇淋的时候。


文章关键词: 双语指甲油木马

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