It might not be in the Oxford dictionary but 'blep' is fast becoming the latest fad to stake its place in the English language。新词blep或许还没有跻身牛津词典,可是这个词却已经成为最新的潮流,在英语中占据了一席之地。
Blep refers to a bizarre new trend of photographing animals with their tongues sticking out.Blep意指一种最新流行的奇异风潮——指的是小动物们被拍下了它们吐着舌头的样子。
The pose can be pulled by an animal whether awake or asleep, and images of it have been flooding into image sharing websites such as imgur in recent weeks。照片上的小动物们或是醒着,或是已经睡着,数周以来,这样的照片在像imgur这样的图片分享网站上不断涌现。