
2015年09月22日14:47  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     
卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖 卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖
卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖 卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖
卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖 卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖
卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖 卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖
卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖 卷福溜娃马脸男神立变搞怪大咖

  Benedict Cumberbatch, 39, welcomed his first son in June and was spotted cradling the baby and walking down the street with his wife Sophie Hunter, 37.本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,39岁,今年六月迎来了他的第一个儿子,记者拍到他和37岁的妻子索菲·亨特带着孩子一起遛弯儿。

  Doting dad: Cumberbatch, who is currently starring in a critically-acclaimed production of Hamlet, was spotted out and about with his new baby in London。有爱的父亲:近期出演颇受好评的舞台剧《哈姆雷特》的康伯巴奇,被记者在伦敦街头拍到他带着刚出生的儿子遛弯儿。

  Funny face: While the name of the baby has not been officially released, it is reported to be Christopher Carlton Cumberbatch。搞怪表情:尽管孩子的姓名还没有正式公布,但据消息透露,孩子的姓名是克里斯托弗·卡尔顿·康伯巴奇。

  Lineage: Christopher was the name of the actor’s character in his TV adaptation of Parade’s End, while Carlton is a family middle name shared by Cumberbatch and his actor father Timothy。家系:克里斯托弗是他出演的《队列之末》改编剧中的角色名称,而卡尔顿则是康伯巴奇和他的父亲(也是一位演员)提摩西所共有的家族中间名。

  Happy families: He appeared every inch the doting father, with the baby resting peacefully on his shoulder. The fact they were both wearing blue outfits completed the picture。幸福家庭:从照片来看,卷福完全就是一位很宠爱孩子的父亲,孩子安静地依偎在他的肩膀上休息。父子俩都穿了蓝色的衣服,画面和谐而又温馨。


文章关键词: 双语

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