
2015年09月29日14:46  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), here are the 10 countries with the longest life expectancy as of 2015.根据世界卫生组织调查显示,以下是2015年人均寿命最长的10个国家。

  10) Spain (Overall life expectancy: 82 years)10)西班牙(总体平均寿命:82岁)

  Women live longer than men in Spain. The nation ranks fifteenth in life expectancy for males (79 years) and fourth in female life expectancy (85 years). The Spanish healthcare system is ranked among the best in the world. If you are living and working in Spain you will have access to the nation’s free state healthcare, paid partly by social security payments。在西班牙,女性寿命比男性的更长。该国男性平均寿命世界排名第15(79岁),女性平均寿命排名第4(85岁)。西班牙拥有世界上最优质的医疗保障系统。如果你在西班牙生活工作的话,就可以享受到这个国家的免费医疗,免费医疗的部分资金来源是社会保障金。

  9) France (Overall life expectancy: 82 years)9)法国(总体平均寿命:82岁)

  Citizens of this European country enjoy a high standard of living. French women live longer (85 years) than men (79 years). The French healthcare system was ranked first worldwide by the WHO in 1997. France ranks fifteenth in male life expectancy and fourth in female life expectancy. Care is generally free for citizens of the nation suffering from chronic ailments。该欧洲国家生活水平很高。法国女性寿命(85岁)比男性寿命(79岁)更长。1997年,法国医疗保健系统被世界卫生组织评定为世界最优。(2015年)法国男性平均寿命排名世界第15,女性平均寿命排第4,在法国,一般患有慢性疾病的居民都可享受免费的护理。

  8) Monaco (Overall life expectancy: 82 years)8)摩纳哥(总体平均寿命:82岁)

  In this sovereign

  city-state and microstate, women (86 years) live longer than men (79 years). Monaco has an excellent standard of compulsory state funded healthcare. Healthcare is available to all the citizens of Monaco. The microstate ranks fifteenth in male life expectancy and second in female life expectancy。在这个拥有独立主权的微型城邦国家中,女性平均寿命(86岁)比男性平均寿命(79岁)更长。摩纳哥拥有着优质的免费医疗系统,完全由国家资助。摩纳哥市民都可享受医疗保健。该国男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别位列世界第15位和第2位。

  7) San Marino (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)7)圣马力诺(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  In San Marino, male life expectancy is 82 years and female life expectancy is 84 years. This microstate has a high standard of compulsory, state-funded healthcare. It ranks first in male life expectancy and eleventh in female life expectancy。圣马力诺男性平均寿命82岁,女性平均寿命84岁。这个国家面积不大,但有着高水平的医疗——由国家出资支持。男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别位列世界第1位和第11位。

  6) Singapore (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)6)新加坡(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  Island nation Singapore ranks fifth in male life expectancy and fourth in female life expectancy. In general this modern city-state has had low infant mortality rate for the past two decades. Male life expectancy is 80 years and female life expectancy is 85 years。岛国新加坡男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命世界排名分别是第5位和第4位。总体上,在过去的20年中,这个现代城邦国家的婴幼儿死亡率很低。男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别是80岁和85岁。

  5) Italy (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)5)意大利(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  Italy enjoys a high human development index. Male life expectancy is 80 years and female life expectancy is 85 years. Italy has been running as universal public healthcare system since 1978. It ranks fifth in male life expectancy and fourth in female life expectancy。意大利有着较高的人类发展指数。男性平均寿命为80岁,女性平均寿命为85岁。自1978年开始,意大利就在筹建覆盖面广的公共医疗系统。该国男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别居世界第5位和第4位。

  4) Switzerland (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)4)瑞士(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  Switzerland ranks second in male life expectancy, and fourth in female life expectancy. Citizens of this European nation are universally required to buy health insurance from private insurance companies. In Switzerland, male life expectancy is 81 years and female life expectancy is 85 years。瑞士男性平均寿命排名世界第2,女性平均寿命排名第4。该国要求公民都购买民营保险公司的医疗保险。瑞士男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别为81岁和85岁。

  3) Australia (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)3)澳大利亚(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  Australia introduced universal healthcare in 1975. Male life expectancy is 81 years and female life expectancy is 85 years in Australia. Total expenditure on health is around 9.8 percent of GDP. Healthcare is provided by both government and private institutions. Australia ranks second in male life expectancy, and fourth in female life expectancy。澳大利亚自1975年开始实行全民医疗。该国男性平均寿命为81岁,女性平均寿命为85岁。总的保健支出占国内生产总值的9.8%。医疗卫生服务由政府和民营机构共同提供。男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别排世界第2位和第4位。

  2) Andorra (Overall life expectancy: 83 years)2)安道尔(总体平均寿命:83岁)

  Women live longer than men in this sovereign

  landlocked microstate. Male life expectancy is 79 years and female life expectancy is 86 years. Andorra ranks fifteenth in male life expectancy and second in female life expectancy. Andorra provides healthcare to all employed persons and their families。安道尔是一个被陆地包围的独立小国,女性寿命比男性寿命更长,男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别为79岁和86岁,世界排名分别为第15和第2。该国为所有在职员工及其家人都提供医疗保险。

  1) Japan (Overall life expectancy: 84 years)1)日本(总体平均寿命:84岁)

  Japan has the longest life expectancy in the world. The land of the rising sun ranks first in female life expectancy and fifth in male life expectancy. Japan’s healthcare system is the envy of the world. Healthcare is provided by national and local governments. Since 1973 all elderly citizens have been covered by government-sponsored insurance. Male life expectancy is 80 years and female life expectancy is 87 years。日本有着全球最长的人均寿命。在这个“日升之国”,女性人均寿命世界第1,男性人均寿命世界第5。日本的医疗卫生系统被全球羡慕嫉妒恨——由国家和地方政府共同提供。从1973年开始,由政府出资的的保险就已经覆盖了所有的老龄公民。该国男性平均寿命和女性平均寿命分别为80岁和87岁。


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