
2015年10月08日11:10  新浪教育 微博    收藏本文     

  For each of us, themeaning of life is different. But, we are all seeking answers so wecan find our own meaning of life. For some of us, this is alifelong journey. For others, it is a matter of taking the rightsteps to figure out why we are here. There are several great booksout there that can help you find the meaning of your ownlife。



  1. To be Told:Know Your Story, Shape YourFuture


  Dan Allender tends to usea lot of Christian language in his work, but his writing can helpanyone who wants to learn more about themselves and do better inlife. The more you know about yourself, the better able you will beto understand why you do what you do, and how to make changes thatwill lead to your success in life。


 《一个新地球》 《一个新地球》

  2. A New Earth:Awakening to Your Life'sPurpose


  Check your ego at thedoor, and enjoy a more abundant life. This is the message fromspiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, who talks about how the ego is thecause of all conflict in life. This book was selected by OprahWinfrey for her book club, and has been read by millions。


  《百年不遇的马拉松》  《百年不遇的马拉松》

  3. TheHundred-Year Marathon


  This is a book chroniclingthe secret strategy of China to usurp the US as the globalsuperpower. Author Michael Pillsbury, who has served in seniornational security positions within the US government, uses his ownpersonal knowledge of the subject to give us this wake-up call tochallenges within national security。


  《让生命发声》  《让生命发声》

  4. Let Your LifeSpeak


  This book by Parker Palmeris a great book about work and meaning. The ideas in the book willhelp you with your vocation, by letting you see the author'sjourney. There are loads of great quotes, which you are likely toread many times over for daily inspiration and affirmation。



文章关键词: 双语好书

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