"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." -- Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde was right -- it's rare to "live". "Living" will not mean the same thing for everyone reading this. Some may want to be a parent; others may want to travel the world experiencing new cultures. Whatever "truly living" means to you, it's time to stop suppressing that little voice. Life is short, and there's no guarantee of a tomorrow, today is the right time to start a journey that you'll look back on later in life and smile about.
王 尔德是对的。去生活确实弥足珍贵。也许对每个正在读这篇文章的人来说,“生活”的含义不尽相同。也许有人渴望为人父母,也许有人希望环游世界、体验全新的 文化。无论“活得精彩”对你的含义是什么,是时候释放出内心压抑着的呼声了。人生苦短。明天是未知的,而今天则是开启新旅程的最佳时机,去做一些日后回想 起来会让你嘴角上扬的事情吧。
To get there -- to get to your "dream life" or whatever truly living means to you -- it starts with overcoming the hurdles that have or may be holding you back. You can overcome these five hurdles; it starts with making a choice: give up or keeping moving forward no matter what? I hope you choose the latter.
1. Lingering Self-Limiting Beliefs
Each of us struggles with doubt and fear. There are things we tell our self that keeps us from even thinking about what we want from our life. These self-limiting beliefs convince us that what we want to do in life is too hard or too crazy. Stop believing these beliefs and go for your dreams anyway. This is YOUR life, and you only get one of them. Make it count.
2. Listening to Negative People
Negative people will try to convince you that you'll fail and that you shouldn't even try. Their attitude and words are toxic and should be avoided if you're making to make big changes in your life. They can't see past their anger, but you can if you choose to purge them from your life.
3. Bad Habits
Forming good habits is the key to lasting change that leads to a life of truly living. Bad habits will keep you from having the mindset and taking the necessary steps to making changes in your life. It can be habits related to your health or mind, but the bad ones will keep you stuck.
4. Information Overload
When you want to make a big change, you start the journey with researching what you want to do. A problem can arise when all you do is research. You tell yourself you want to learn more before you act, and it keeps you from acting for years. You experience information overload and become paralyzed because you're not sure what to do first. The best thing you can do is learn and then implement. Taking action is the key to truly living.
当你渴望做出改变,就会开始对你想做的事展开研究。但如果你除了研究其他什么也 不做,那么问题就来了。你告诉自己在行动之前要了解更多,然后就这么拖了几年都没有行动。这时,你就处于信息过剩的状态中,不知所措,因为你不确定要从哪 里开始。最好的办法就是学习,然后执行。行动是精彩生活的关键。
5. Fear of Failure
The fear of failure is natural and something everyone struggles with. We don't want to look bad, and we have a hard time hearing NO. The thing to understand is that failure is an important part of life because it teaches us valuable life lessons. If you look at any successful person, they'll tell you they embraced failure because it meant they were taking action. Change your perspective on failure and view it as an important part of growing.
对 失败的恐惧是正常的,也是每个人都想要极力摆脱的。我们不想让自己难堪,担心被拒绝。要知道,失败是人生中重要的环节,因为它能教会你重要的一课。如果你 回顾任何一个成功人士的案例,他们都会告诉你,他们坦然接受失败,因为这证明了他们有在行动。改变你对失败的看法吧,把它当作成长中至关重要的一部分。
It won't be easy, but it will be worth it to live instead of existing. If you start today, you're one more day closer.