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  BBC Culture picks 10 films coming out next month, including the first standalone Star Wars film and a musical starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone。

  BBC文化推荐了下个月即将上映的10部电影,包括《星球大战》番外篇和由Ryan Gosling和Emma Stone主演的音乐剧。




  The latest from US animators Illumination Entertainment (Despicable Me) “starts out fun and then sneaks up on you for a final stretch that is both rousing and genuinely emotional”, according to The Wrap。 The film stars Matthew McConaughey as a koala with a sweet spot for showbiz。 Staging a singing competition in an effort to save his struggling theatre, the marsupial is joined by hopefuls including a porcupine voiced by Scarlett Johansson, a pig (Reese Witherspoon) and a “mouse on the hustle” (Seth Macfarlane)。 It’s a jukebox musical packed with crowd-pleasing tunes, and, as The Hollywood Reporter claims, “It’s as corny as the syrup tank at a candy factory, but it works”。 On general release from 8 December。 (Credit: Illumination Entertainment)

  靠着《小黄人》大赚一笔之后,照明娱乐又发布了将于明年12月上映的影片Sing。新闻媒体The Wrapp评述该部影片“以搞笑开场,结尾却又非常激动人心和感人”。电影讲述了小考拉Buster Moon不惜一切代价拯救濒临倒闭的剧院。为此举办了一场歌唱比赛的故事。这部影片发生在一个全部由动物组成的世界里,和主角考拉同样怀揣着明星梦的还有豪猪(由斯嘉丽·约翰逊配音)、小猪(由瑞茜·威瑟斯彭配音),还有老鼠(由塞思·麦克法兰配音)。这部电影是由流行音乐构成的音乐剧,正如The Hollywood记者所言:“这部电影就像是糖果工厂里的一罐蜜一样,毫无新意,但是大家肯定会喜欢。”


  2.La La Land


  Critics predict Oscar glory for this musical romantic comedy from Damien Chazelle (Whiplash), which stars Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone as a jazz musician and actor chasing their dreams in a Technicolor Hollywood。 BBC Culture’s Nicholas Barber gave it five stars, praising the stars’ charisma and chemistry: “Most cinema-goers are already madly in love with at least one of them, and that love will hit stratospheric new heights when they see how skilfully Gosling and Stone balance their absurd attractiveness with goofy self-deprecation”。 Opening with a barnstorming song-and-dance number set in an LA traffic jam, La La Land has been credited with putting the Hollywood musical back on its feet。 According to Sight and Sound, “Chazelle’s always inventive staging ensures we’re transported to the elevated emotional planes people used to go to the movies to experience: ardour, hope, despair, what have you”。 On general release from 8 December。 (Credit: Black Label Media)

  评论家预测由达米恩·查泽雷导演的这部爱情浪漫喜剧有实力冲击奥斯卡奖项。该电影讲述了由瑞恩·高斯林和艾玛·斯通主演的一对爵士艺术家于好莱坞追逐梦想的故事。BBC文化专栏五星推荐,并赞誉了演员的魅力和演技:“很多观影者已经是瑞恩或者艾玛的狂热粉丝了,当粉丝们见识到他们两人是如何巧妙地消化角色独有的魅力和蠢萌的自卑感时,粉丝们会更加喜爱他们的。”电影以主角在纽约街头拥堵的交通中表演歌舞开场,《爱乐之城》被认为是好莱坞音乐剧的再次崛起。杂志Sight and Sound评述:“查泽雷导演一贯的创意视觉效果能够保证观影观众想要感受到的强烈情感,包括激情、希望,和失落。”


  3.Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


  Set shortly before the original Star Wars film, this space opera from Lucasfilm follows a group of Rebel spies on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star。 Starring Felicity Jones (The Theory of Everything), Diego Luna (Y tu Mamá También), Ben Mendelsohn (Una) and Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal), it’s the first of the Star Wars standalone films。 Described as origin stories or spin-offs, they are not intended to overlap with the new trilogy in any way – Lucas has been clear that characters will not cross over。 Riz Ahmed, who also appears in the film, has praised British director Gareth Edwards (Godzilla) for bringing to the movie “this incredible organic, loose, kind of raw feeling。” (Credit: Lucasfilm)

  影片讲述的是在《星球大战4:新希望》之前,一群义士计划盗走死星蓝图以帮助反抗军击败银河帝国的故事。该片由菲丽希缇·琼斯、迭戈·鲁纳、本·门德尔森、麦德斯·米科尔森主演,是《星球大战》系列电影第一部外传。卢卡斯影业明确表示,这部影片的剧情和人物不会与《星球大战》重叠。该片由《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)导演加雷斯·爱德华兹(Gareth Edwards)执导,出演该剧的里兹·阿迈德赞赏称:“雷斯导演为这部电影注入了原始生命力”。


  4.Assassin’s Creed


  Marion Cotillard and Michael Fassbender star in this adaptation of the action-adventure video-game series。 Fassbender is Callum Lynch, who unlocks his ‘genetic memory’ to relive the experiences of his ancestor Aguilar, a member of a secret Assassins Society in 15th-Century Spain。 “The Assassins believe that above all else, mankind should have free will,” says Fassbender in a featurette for the film, “making sure that freedom is still protected and cherished。” Directed by Justin Kurzel (Macbeth) and co-starring Jeremy Irons and Brendan Gleeson, it looks set to be more than a Tomb Raider-esque spin-off。 On general release from 21 December。 (Credit: Ubisoft Motion Pictures)





  This drama about the days following the assassination of John F Kennedy garnered four stars from BBC Culture’s critic Sam Adams, who argued that “the ideas in play are so heady they’re enough to sweep you away on their own”。 Natalie Portman’s performance as JFK’s grieving widow has also drawn praise, with critics predicting an Oscar nomination。 According to Time Out, “Portman flutters like a sail in a brisk wind。 She is scattered, tense, wrecked and compellingly defiant in the face of those who would have her act a certain way”。 Marking Chilean director Pablo Larraín’s English language debut, Jackie weaves the private with the public, and has been described as an unconventional biopic。 As Den of Geek argues, “When it comes to making films that work as much for the sake of artistic expression as for capturing a moment in history, there’s little question Jackie might be one of the finest pieces of cinematic storytelling we see this year。” Released 2 December in the US, 5 January in Greece and 12 January in Denmark。 (Credit: Jackie Productions)

  这部电影是关于前美国总统肯尼迪遭暗杀后接下来几天里发生的故事。BBC文化专栏给了4星推荐并评述:“单单是这部电影的主题就足够可以吸引人了。”由娜塔丽·波特曼饰演肯尼迪的遗孀,评论家对其精湛的演技给予好评,并认为她将凭此获得奥斯卡提名。如Time Out所言:“波特曼就像是一阵疾风中的帆船。她是凌乱的,焦虑的,绝望的,但是勇敢蔑视那些设定她如何在丧夫后表现的人。”作为帕布罗·拉雷恩首部英语作品,该电影将将第一夫人私下生活与公众形象进行交织,外界评价该电影与以往的传记片不同。如媒体Den of Geek所评:“很多电影都为了艺术表达而牺牲历史细节,相比《第一夫人》的叙述手法的确是今年最好的。”




  Set during the 17th-Century Christian purges in Japan, it focuses on the real-life Portuguese Jesuit missionary Father Cristóvão Ferreira, who abandoned his faith after being tortured and became an interrogator of Christians。 In the film, Liam Neeson plays Ferreira, while Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver are two missionaries who travel to Japan in search of him。 He told the New York Times: “I’ve tried, in my work, to find out how to live life – tried to explore what our existence really is and the meaning of it。” Released 22 December in Greece, 23 December in the US and 30 December in Spain。 (Credit: Cappa Defina Productions)





  “This is a movie in which very little happens。 A bus breaks down。 A dog eats a notebook。” As The Independent’s review reveals, film-maker Jim Jarmusch is doing what he does best in his latest movie: resisting conventional Hollywood storytelling。 Yet the drama about a week in the life of a New Jersey bus driver and amateur poet (played by Adam Driver) is far from dull。 According to Empire, despite Paterson’s seemingly banal plot, “Jarmusch’s eye for detail and humanity makes it close to riveting… Quiet, thoughtful and deeply human, this is one of Jarmusch’s finest and features Adam Driver’s best performance yet。” Released 9 December in Spain, 21 December in France and 28 December in the US。 (Credit: Amazon Studios)



  8.The Unknown Girl


  The latest from the Dardenne brothers – two-time winners of the Palme d’Or – has divided critics。 While some have been put off by what they’ve seen as heavy-handed moralising, it has been praised by others for its searching investigation of moral codes。 Adèle Haenel stars as a doctor attempting to identify a patient who died after she was turned away from her surgery: in this “female-led quest narrative with a sense of ticking-time urgency”, says Sight and Sound, “Haenel is mesmerising… her intense but utterly calm concentration [holds] our attention, although she’s almost never called on to emote on screen in the conventional sense”。 Released 2 December in Ireland, 7 December in Hong Kong and 15 December in Germany。 (Credit: Les Films du Fleuve)

  两届坎城金棕榈得主达顿兄弟新作,批评家对对该部电影意见分歧很大。一些人对影片浓重的说教性敬而远之,一些人则赞赏其对道德底线的质疑。该片讲述一位医生(由凯萨奖影后阿黛儿艾奈尔饰演)在其拒绝为病人手术后试图去确认该去世病人身份的故事。杂志Sight and Sound评述:“这是一部由女性主导,且时间紧迫感非常紧迫的一部电影。艾奈尔非常的迷人,她所表现出的紧张与从容非常抓人眼球,虽然她在荧幕上的情感表现都是非传统的。”


  9.Life, Animated


  This documentary, which follows a young man with autism who learned to communicate with his family through classic Disney films, has been called “heart-warming and heart-breaking all at once”。 The result has been praised by the Sydney Morning Herald as “a remarkable, moving, captivating story”。 It’s “intelligent and heartfelt without ever being heavy-handed,” according to the Toronto Star。 “Director Roger Ross Williams’ storytelling skills are at their finest in an engaging story suffused throughout with emotion that never descends into mawkishness”。 Released 1 December in Russia and 9 December in the UK。 (Credit: A&E Indie Films)

  这则纪录片讲述了一个患有自闭症的男孩用迪士尼经典电影与家人沟通的故事。外界评述:“这部电影非常暖心,同时也会让你伤心难过。”Sydney Morning Herald评价:“这是一部非同寻常,感人肺腑的电影。”Toronto Star评价:“这部电影精彩又感人,但是又不匠气。导演精湛的叙事手法,使你沉浸在丰富的感情之中,但又不会陷入悲伤。”


  10.Marathon: The Patriots Day Bombing


  Mark Wahlberg stars as a police sergeant in this account of the 2013 Boston marathon bombing and the subsequent manhunt from director Peter Berg。  “The tension that slowly builds as the inevitable finally happens is brilliantly wrought, with the score… proving a swelling drone which creeps up and peaks in all the right places。” A celebration of the city’s spirit as much as a dramatised account, Variety has praised Patriots Day for being “a composite celebration of the dozens of people who came together to make ‘Boston strong’”。 Released 21 December in the US, 25 December in Denmark and 12 January in Chile。 (Credit: CBS Films)










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