Choosing a name for a child is often a headache for parents, but new research shows that picking well could be more crucial than previously thought。
● crucial /‘kruːʃ(ə)l/ adj。 至关重要的;关键性的
Academics have found that your first name actually changes the way you look, a phenomenon dubbed ‘The Dorian Gray’ effect, after Oscar Wilde’s eponymous hero。
● dubbed是dub的过去分词 dub /‘dʌbd/ 被称为;被称作;授予称号e
● eponymous /ɪ‘pɑːnɪməs/ adj。 (与书、戏剧、电影等)同名的

Just as Gray’s wicked deeds were etched onto the facial features of his portrait, so the cultural stereotypes linked to a name come to be written on the faces of their bearers。
● wicked /‘wɪkɪd/ adj。 坏的;邪恶的;缺德的
● deed /diːd/ n。 行为;事迹;[法]契约
● etch /etʃ/ v。 蚀刻;铭刻;鲜明地描述;流露出
● portrait /‘pɔːrtrət/ n。 肖像;画像;描写
● stereotype /‘steriətaɪp/ n。 模式化观念;典型;老一套;铅版
● bearer /‘beərə(r)/ n。搬运者;承载者;轿夫
For example someone called ‘Bob’ is expected by society to have a rounder more jovial face than a man called ‘Tim’。 That expectation eventually leads ‘Bobs’ to become more gregarious and jolly, while ‘Tims’ may appear more pinched and reserved。
● jovial /‘dʒoʊviəl/ adj。 快活的;高兴的;愉快的
● gregarious /ɡrɪ‘ɡeriəs/ adj。 爱社交的;群居的
● jolly /‘dʒɑːli/ adj。 愉快的;快乐的
● pinched /pɪntʃt/ adj。 压紧的;收缩的;病恹恹的

The connection may be linked to the ’bouba-kiki’ effect which suggests that across languages, more bulbous smoother objects are labelled with rounded ’bouba’ sounds, while thinner spikier objects have ’kiki’ sounds。
● bulbous /‘bʌlbəs/ adj。 球根的;球根状的;由球根生长的
● spikier /‘spaɪki/ adj。 道钉一般的;尖的;钉满钉子的;易动怒的
● Bouba/Kiki效应是指脑会在词语和形状之间建立联系。
Likewise ‘Winstons’ are perceived as fairly glum, while ‘Marys’ are considered to be moral, both traits which may alter countenance, and over time, change face shape。
● glum /ɡlʌm/ adj。 闷闷不乐的;阴郁的;阴沉的
● traits /t‘reɪts/ n。 特征;特点(名词trait的复数形式)
● countenance /‘kaʊntənəns/ n。 面容;面部表情;支持
And a woman named ‘Katherine’ is considered to be more serious and dependable than a girl named ‘Bonnie’。 Such cultural expectations may encourage ‘Katherines’ to be more studious and academic, which could gradually influence the development of facial muscles, perhaps through increased concentration。
● studious /‘stuːdiəs/ adj。 好学的;努力的;用心的;仔细的;有意的
“Prior research has shown there are cultural stereotypes attached to names, including how someone should look,” said lead author Dr Yonat Zwebner, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem。
“For instance, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim。 We believe these stereotypes can, over time, affect people’s facial appearance。“
To find out if face shape was linked to name, researchers conducted eight studies to see it was possible for strangers to correctly identify the names of people simply by looking at their faces。
In every experiment, the participants were significantly better (up to 40 percent accurate) at matching the name to the face than random chance (20 - 25 percent accurate) even when ethnicity, age and other socioeconomic variables were controlled for。
● ethnicity /eθ‘nɪsəti/ n。 种族划分;属于少数民族
● variables /‘veəriəblz/ n。 变量 名词variable的复数形式。

“Together, these findings suggest that facial appearance represents social expectations of how a person with a particular name should look。 In this way, a social tag may influence one’s facial appearance,” said co-author Dr Ruth Mayo。

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