The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

It was spring and mother duck was sitting on her eggs。 One day her eggs started to break open。 Soon, six small, beautiful, yellow ducklings and one big, gray duckling came out of the eggs。 The gray duckling had big eyes, and was ugly, but mother duck loved him。
Sometimes the ugly duckling felt sad, because he his brothers didn’t want to play with him。 Every day, he went to the pond and asked the birds, “Do you know any ducklings with gray feathers?” But they all said no。 He didn’t ask the swans because he was shy。 They had long necks and white feathers。 They were very beautiful。 He looked at himself in the pond, and felt sad。
It was winter, so mother duck took her ducklings to the warm barn。 The ugly duckling couldn’t wait to go to the pond again。 He wanted to see the beautiful swans。
Soon it was spring again, and the ugly duckling ran to the pond。 The ugly duckling looked at himself and was surprised,
“Is that me?” he asked。
You see, he wasn’t a gray duckling – he was a beautiful swan! All the other swans wanted to be his friend。 “We’re swans like you!” they said。 “We are happy to meet you。”
The young swan smiled – he was so happy!
Vocabulary and Phrase:
1。 beautiful:/ ˈbjuːtəf(ə)l /
adj。 美丽的;出色的
2。 ugly: / ‘ʌɡli/
adj。 丑陋的;难看的;令人不快的
3。 pond: / pɒnd /
n。 池塘;水池
4。 shy: / ʃaɪ /
adj。 羞怯的;腼腆的
5。 feathers: / ‘feðə(r)/
n。 羽毛
6。 barn: / bɑː(r)n /
n。 谷仓;畜棚;仓房
Sentence of the Day:
“They had long necks and white feathers。 They were very beautiful。 He looked at himself in the pond, and felt sad。”