1.为什么要恋爱 Since this would be your first date, at least have good reasons why you want to meet or see someone. This would be the foundation of a successful date whether it would push through or if there would be follow-ups afterwards. If your intention is no clear, I am telling you that would be a disaster. So if you are not yet ready, forget it and sweat yourself out on other important things。 因为这是你们的第一次约会,所以在约会之前你要搞清楚和Ta约会的原因。不论之后恋情如何发展,这是一段成功恋情最基本的要素。如果你不确定自己恋爱的原因的话,我可以告诉你,接下来发生的事情对你来说绝对是灾难。所以如果你还没有准备好,那么就请放弃这个念头,把生活重心放到其他更要的事情上吧。 2. 儿子:要考虑你的经济状况 There is a common rule that men are the ones who should spend, especially if it is a first date and it is part of etiquette and good impressions. Of course, make sure that you have enough bucks in your pocket that would be more than sufficient on the amount of bill, not unless you have made a good research about the kind of activity that you would do aside from eating in a restaurant. Men and women could have a fair share but this mostly happens if you are on the 3rd to 4th dates。 一般来说,约会中如果想要留女伴下一个很礼貌的好印象,男人是需要买单的,特别是在第一次约会的时候。所以出去约会你当然要保证口袋里买单之后还能有足够的票子,除非你在事前就已经调查好餐厅附近有什么好玩的地方。男女双方AA制买单不是不可能,只不过这种情况通常是发生在第三或第四次约会的时候。 3. 恋爱前要做好调查 This is not just an advice for women but for men too. You have to make a research about him or her. Know his or her past, particularly if the person that you would be meeting has past relationships and if it is possible know the reason of break ups. This would help you in approaching the person once your eyes meet。 这条建议男女都要仔细看。你要对Ta做个调查。了解Ta的过去,特别是当是否对方有恋爱史以及与前任的分手原因。做好事前调查能帮你在你们第一次对视时就能迅速走进Ta的心。 4.在约会之前想好导入问题 Using basic questions on your own will help you visualize how he or she feels or what might be his or her reactions。 自己准备一些问题能够帮你弄明白Ta对你的感觉和想法。 5.有些事情是不该问的 This is connected to number 3. There are wrong questions, which are being asked that could be sensitive or might offend the person.This actually happens if we make ourselves too comfortable upon facing them where a disaster on a date itself happens. Relax and be yourself but do not be too close right away。 这一点和刚才所说的第三点是有联系的。有些问题问出来之后会戳到人家敏感点,甚至会冒犯人家。当你面对对方感觉过分放松的时候,就很可能是犯这种错误的时候。所以当你面对对方的时候既要放松,又不可过分放松。 6.搞清对方年龄 This is an important part of your checklist. Of course, there is a saying that “age doesn’t matter” but it does matters, especially, if your age is halfway where you would need to make some adjustments。 这是你事前调查要做的一个重要部分。虽然有“年龄不重要”的说法,但是事实却并非如此,特别是在你即将蜕变成“剩男/剩女”的阶段。 7.约会前问清楚对方是否有时间 This actually serves the best interest for women since economically, men provide everything, and they do spend much of the activities that they do with women, especially during dating stage。 这一点在女生身上特别需要注意,男方一般会比较愿意花时间和女生待在一起,特别是约会的时候。 8.了解对方信仰 What would really make a good relationship is a mutual understanding that comes if two people understand each other. It is still ideal that you date someone whom you share the same standards with. Although the society thinks that love conquers everything but this is a precautionary measure to you that you won’t discuss things that might offend you about their beliefs。 两个人之间的相互理解是一段完美感情必备的因素。如果你的另一半和你有着同样的生活标准那是最理想的状态。虽说爱能克服一切,但是相同信仰是保证你们俩不会做出些冒犯对方事情的预先保证。 9.搞清对方婚姻状况 Make sure that you know if this person has been married or just came from a break up. Know some personal information so you can gauge if the person is trusting and can be a good collaborate. After all, dating is an avenue in forming a new relationship。 要搞清楚对方有没有结过婚,还是刚分手。搞清楚这个私人信息能帮你正确估计这个是否值得信赖,是不是适合在一起。毕竟约会是恋爱的必经之路。 网友评论