《疯狂的真相》(Weird but True!)是一档十分有趣的科普性英语节目~通过这档节目,不仅能够丰富英语语言知识,更重要的是能够知道许多有意思的小知识,虽然有些事实简直是闻所未闻,但是还是很有意思哦~
The only king without a moustache in a deck of cards is the king of hearts.
King of Hearts – Charlemagne通常认为红桃K代表的是查理曼大帝。
If you also observe carefully, the king of hearts has a Sword held right behind his neck at the back. Hence, he is sometimes also called as ‘Suicide King’.如果你观察仔细,红桃K国王的脖子后面有一把剑,他时常被称为“自杀的国王”。