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参加World MBA Tour 获得MBA奖学金

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/10/18 11:54  新浪教育


  The Quacquarelli MBA Leadership Scholarship This scholarship is designed to identify a World MBA Tour participant who demonstrates exceptionally strong leadership potential and innovative thinking. Scholarship Award: ,000.

  The criteria are:·Admittance to a Top 100 Global MBA Program. (See The MBA Career Guide for list of schools–copies available at all World MBA Tour venues)·Academic achievement·Submitting an Essay (max. 750 words) on the theme:“Leadership and innovation”. The successful candidates will demonstrate their potential in innovative and visionary thinking.The winning Essay is selected by a jury of distinguished alumni from The Global Workplace and education specialists from amongst the World MBA Tour media partners.

  The Symonds MBA Community ScholarshipThese scholarships are designed to identify five World MBA Tour applicants (one from each region of the Tour), who demonstrate an exceptional level of socially responsible leadership and an ability to motivate others.Scholarship Award: Five Awards, each of ,000.

  The criteria are:Admittance to any MBA program participating in the World MBA Tour. (Part-time, Full-time or Distance Learning)·Providing evidence of financial need.·Submitting an Essay (max. 750 words) on the theme:“Where leadership can make a sustainable difference in my community”. The successful candidates will demonstrate their potential in leadership, motivating others and social responsibility.The winning Essays are to be selected by a jury of distinguished alumni from The Global Workplace working in NGOs and education specialists from amongst the World MBA Tour media partners.

  World MBA Tour Women’s Scholarship, sponsored by Instituto de EmpresaThe Instituto de Empresa Fund, based in New York, is offering a special scholarship for an exceptional female candidate to join the full-time International MBA programme in 2003 at Instituto de Empresa business school, based in Madrid. Information and application forms will be available from the Instituto de Empresa stands at all World MBA Tour events this autumn.

  有关奖学金申请细则,可在2002年9月-12月间,到世界32个World MBA Tour举办城市中任何一个现场询问。欲知全部举办地点和时间,请查询www.topmba.com。


  pAndrew Brooker–ab@topcareers.netTel: +44 20 7554 3372

  Simona Bizzozero–simona@topcareers.netTel: +44 20 7554 3374

  Hanna Khan–hanna@topcareers.netTel: +44 20 7554 3361

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2002全球MBA交流说明会(World MBA Tour 2002) 专题
World MBA Tour 背景介绍(2002/10/16/ 13:48)
2002欧美商学院专业优势排名(2002/10/16/ 12:10)
2002全球MBA交流说明会参观须知(2002/10/16/ 11:29)
World MBA Tour 2002中国地区日程表(2002/10/16/ 11:25)
2002全球MBA交流说明会上海参展院校(2002/10/16/ 11:14)
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