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不是名校,但我努力--Tod Yang英文访谈记录

http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/01/21 13:44  每日课程在线



  1.Some students think certificates are very important and others think the GPA is more important. What do you think about that and in your junior study which aspect did you pay more attention to?

  I paid more attention to improving my GPA.

  2. So you got the information about the presentation. Did you attend the presentation?

  Yeah, and I also gave them my resume. But at the beginning I felt very disappointed. Because those companies paid more attention to the students from FuDan and JiaoTong University, we had few opportunities. So some of my classmates gave up attending those presentations. They searched for the jobs on some job-hunting websites, such as 51job and some of them can only find job through their parents and the social relationships.

  3. Whats the percentage of the students who find the job through their parents and the social relationships?

  Maybe more than ten percent.

  4.Did you read some reference books before you attended the interview?

  Are they useful? Yeah, I read some. They gave me some advice and sometimes I chose some suitable advice, but sometimes not. I choose the advice that can show my personality to answer the questions.

  5.What personality?

  To be honest, because some advice is only to make you seem more skillful. I dont like that. Id like to be myself.


  1. Did you do any intern job or join inany campus activities?

  Yeah, both inside and outside campus. On the campus, I was a key member of the anthology association. And I attended many association activities. Outside the campus, I did some part-time jobs such as being a private tutor. I think my school life in the first three years was very happy. But my father and my sister thought that the pressure of employment is very heavy. So I paid more attention to my study in the final year.

  2. How is your part-time working experience?

  Actually I did not get many opportunities to be involved in internship in some big companies, I just got some home teaching jobs. But the experience of working in big companies is very helpful for your job-hunting.


  1. How many offers did you get?

  About 5 or 6.

  2. How many companies did you apply for?

  I applied for nearly 100 companies.

  3. Would you give me some examples of the offer youve got?

  One is FuYou Security Company. I got this information from the Internet. The first round was just through the Internet. The second round was the paper test, I was asked to write an assay and do some exercises. The position I applied for was accountant, so I did some accounting exercises in Chinese. The third round was the interview. He asked me some very common questions, such as your future plan and your career.

  4. The most important chance for you is that you got the high mark in your written test, but it has nothing to do with your English because they didnt use English at all. Actually it was not a foreign company, so they didnt mention the English ability.

  5. You prefer yourself to be hired by what kind of the companies?

  I prefer to the foreign company especially the transnational company. I want to accumulate my experience of interview. In the end I was interviewed in seven companies in one week including a foreign company. It is not as famous as Johnson and Johnson. In the process of the interview, English is most important.

  6. How are your other offers?

  Most of them are from the domestic companies, and one is the Shandon aviation company.

  7. How did you prepare for your interview?

  The first thing is to get more information about the company in which you will be interviewed and to prepare for some questions that the interviewer will ask you.

  8. Did you enter some presentation and did you get some information from it?

  I entered some presentations, but I think they just wanted to show their companies.

  9. In what other ways can you get information?

  The campus bulletin.

  10. What about another foreign company that you got the offer from?

  The first one is an industry gas producer.

  Interviews in Shandon aviation company

  1. What about the interview?

  It was a very simple interview. The interview was held in the meeting room in our campus. There were two interviewers and some interviewees. They asked us questions one by one, and we had a discussion in English. They focused on the English skills.

  2. What kinds of questions did they ask you, the common questions or some difficult questions?

  Not very common questions. They asked me something about Shanghai, just to examine my English skill. And they also asked me some accounting questions in Chinese.

  3. Was the English skill an important role when you were interviewed in a Chinese company?

  Language skill is just one aspect of selecting procedure, so some companies will test it and some will not. It depends.

  4. In my mind, most Chinese companies dont use English in the interview. They may just test your translation or some written English. Is that true?

  I think all things are changing. More and more Chinese companies will test oral English in the interviews. For example: The Iron and Steel Company, and Shandon Aviation Company.

  Interview in Johnson and Johnson

  1. How did you get the recruitment information of the Johnson and Johnson?

  I got this information from a friend, who works there.

  2. Did you send your resume directly? How did you send it?

  I sent my resume personally by going directly to HR department of Johnson and Johnson.

  3. Would you give me some details about the interview?

  There were 4 rounds. A HR staff interviewed me in the first round. The second round was a CFO. The third round was a personnel director. The last round was a managing director. Most of them were oral interviews. They just asked me some common questions. I think they just wanted to recruit some common staff not MT (Management Trainee). The interviews were very easy. So I think I was lucky.

  4. How many candidates?

  About ten people. Three are accepted.

  5. How can you stand out by answering those common questions?

  I think the most important thing is your attitude. The interviewer will observe you carefully. They will examine your speaking attitude, expressive method, your honesty, and your sincerity.


  1. Would you give me some background information about yourself?

  I came from SIFT (Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade). After I joined in the university entry examination in 1998, I came to shanghai and entered shanghai institute of foreign trade and my major was international accounting. I dont like this major very much. So I did some other activities, which have nothing to do with my major.

  2. Compared with your classmates, how about your GPA, are you a top student or just average?

  Im not a top student. Im just an average student.

  3. You didnt come from JiaoTong or FuDan University, how did you get the job-hunting information?

  My university is not a top university. Its my disadvantage. So the information is very limited. I searched for the information on the Internet and I went to other universities websites insgroupsto get more useful information.

  4. How did you feel when you were rejected?

  I will adjust myself and ask myself whether I made any mistake in the process. I think that will improve my future job seeking. If I can do, I will act very quickly. For example, I can make my resume more attractive and make my cover letter more appealing.

  5. How did you distinguish your cover letter and resume from others?

  You should highlight or bolder the information that is important, so that people can pay more attention to these words. You should list your education experience and part-time working experience, because many companies pay much attention to working experience.

  6. Whats your strength in the job-hunting market? My language skills.

  7. How can you show that you have the excellent English skill in your interview?

  I've got the advanced English interpretation certificate.

  8. You applied for many companies, and you were rejected many times. What do you think about that? Whats your weakness?

  I think my weakness is the poor command of written English. I failed in the first round many times. And my reading comprehension is also not very good. I failed in the big five. My disadvantage is that Im not from a top university.

  9.Among the language skills, campus activities and working experience, which one is the most important?

  I think how to answer question wisely is the most important because the backgrounds are almost the same and the questions are very common. So you should be yourself and answer the questions calmly.

  10.Would you give some advice to those senior students?

  I think you should learn more background about the company you will apply for and be confident in the job-hunting market including your language skills, campus activities, and your working experience.

  不是名校,但我努力--Tod Yang中文访谈记录

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