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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/06/04 17:06  聚焦英语



  A题材:气象预报 难度:★★★★★

  建议时间:9分钟 字数: 181

  B题材:图书革新 难度:★★

  建议时间: 4分钟 字数: 201


  Thursday Feb 27,2:35 PM ET

  M. Ressler,Senior Meteorologist(气象学家)

  Storm Watch,The Weather Channel

  From the Greensboro area northward to south of Charlottesville, freezing rain, mixed at times with sleet(冰雹), has produced anywhere from 1/8 to 1 inch of ice on trees and power lines and as icing continuessintostonight significant damage(损失)is likely. As the precipitation(降雨/降雪)spreads northward,snow,possibly mixed with sleet,will be the main problem for Washington Baltimore and Philadelphia. South of the Maryland-Pennsylvania line snow will be falling for evening rush,spreading sintossouthern Pennsylvania and south Jersey this evening and as far north as New York City overnight. Washington and Baltimore could pick up5 to 9 inches of snow with up to 12 inches toward northeastern West Virginia. The Philadelphia tri-state area could accumulate(积累)another 4 to 6 inches. New York City on the northern edge of the developing snow band could receive an inch or two. The storm will exit due east out to sea on Friday, ending all the precipitation in the Mid-Atlantic by midday.

  1. The precipitation's moving direction is probably from_________.

  A.south to north

  B. north to south

  C. west to east

  D. east to west

  2. Which of the following areas will receive the most snow?

  A. Washington and Baltimore.

  B. Northeastern West Virginia.

  C. Philadelphia tri-state area.

  D. New York City.

  3. How long will the snowstorm probably last?

  A. Less than 22 hours.

  B. 22 hours.

  C. More than 22 hours.

  D.24 hours.

  4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Greensboro won't suffer big damage for only less than 1 inch ice is formed.

  B. Snow will keep falling on the south of the Maryland-Pennsylvania line during night.

  C. New York City lies on the south of southern Pennsylvania and south Jersey.

  D. The precipitation will continue after it moves eastwardsintosthe Atlantic.


  In America,where labor costs are so high,"do-it-yourself" is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars,build their own garages,even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them will also be writing their own books. In Hollywood there is a company that publishes children s books with the help of computers. Although other book companies also publish that way. This company is not like the others. It allows the reader to become the leading character in the stories with the help of computers. Here is how they do it. Let us suppose the child is named Jenny. She lives in New York,and has a dog named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story with the pictures. The story is then printed up. A child who receives such a book might say,"This book is about me," so the company calls itself the "Me-Books Publishing Company".

  Children like the me-books because they like to see in print their own names and the names of their friends and their pets. But more important in this way,readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Me-books are helping a child to learn how to read.

  5. In America,people do most things themselves because___________.

  A. they can do better than others

  B. it is expensive to hire labor

  C. they don t like to be helped

  D. they don t trust others

  6. "Me-books publishing company" is named by ___________.

  A. Jenny

  B. a reader

  C. a child

  D. itself

  7. The difference of this company from the others is that __________.

  A. it publishes books only for young children and their pets

  B. it publishes books only about young children and their pets

  C. it uses computers to make up stories about young children

  D. it makes the young readers the leading characters in the story

  8. "Me-books" are those __________.

  A. written by children themselves

  B. telling stories about the reader himself

  C. kept by the readers themselves

  D. published with the help of computers

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