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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/08/19 13:25  双博士丛书

  Writing (15 points)Directions:

  A. Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in noless than 120 words.

  B. Your essay must be written clearly on the ANSWER SHEET.

  C. Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

  1. Interpret the following pictures.

  2. Predict the tendency of tobacco consumption and give your reasons.


  This table shows us that among the 5.8 billion world population, 1.1 billion of them are tobacco consumers, who account for approximately 20% of the world population. To supply tobacco to the huge number of smokers and also to make large profits, tobacco producers in the world produce an amazing amount of 14.364 billion pounds of tobacco in the year 1994 only. This figure is staggering enough, butit has more alarming implications. The table tells us, every year the consumption of tobacco brings shocking economic losses and fatalities. According to the table, every year, 200 billion dollars are spent on the consumption of tobacco products, and 3 million people die from smoking.

  Nonetheless, the table also carries a comforting message: the consumption of tobacco fell from 14.364 billion pounds to 14.2 billion pounds from 1994 to 1995. The primary reason for this decline is probably that people have become aware of the harm tobacco can bring to their health and the huge economic losses involved. As a result, they refrain from smoking. What's more, the United Nations as well as governments of many nations have launched various campaigns to call on people to give up smoking. Therefore, I believe in the subsequent years, the consumption of tobacco and the number of tobacco consumers will keep falling as a result of the awareness of smokers and the resolution of the governments.

  (231 words)





  ·account for

  ·amazing, tremendous, staggering, alarming, shocking


  ·brings shocking economic losses and fatalities

  ·carry a comforting message

  ·become aware of

  ·refrain from

  ·What's more, ...

  ·as well as

  ·launch various campaigns to...

  ·call on


  Based on the figure given in the graphs, we can conclude a lot of important things. First, compared with the tobacco consumption in 1994, the quantity of tobacco products has decreased from 14.364 billion pounds to 14.2 billion pounds. Second, almost one-fifty of the world population are regular smokers, or tobacco users. Third, every year we suffer the losses of 200 billion dollars and people dueto tobacco consumption.

  People, as well as the governments of all the countries in the world, have come to the realization that we will be much better off if nobody uses tobacco, we will have a cleaner atmosphere and less people suffering from diseases. This to some extent explains the fact that the total output of tobacco products in the world has been falling. To my view, I think this tendency will keep going down.

  Although this sign is encouraging, but there are still many people who believe smoking helps to create a manly image and are not willing to give up smoking. Therefore, we have a long way to do.

  (178 words)


  文章能切题,也符合题目的基本要求。语句通顺,没有大的句法结构和用词错误。并能正确使用如based on, due to, come to the realization, be better off, suffer from, to some extent, output, encouraging等词和词组。说理清楚,数字表达正确。但是个别地方有小错。比如People, as well as the governments of all the countries in the world, have come to the realization that we will be much better off if nobody uses tobacco, we will have a cleaner atmosphere and less people suffering from diseases.两个完整的句子中间用一个逗号连接,没有任何连接词,这是中国考生常犯的毛病。此外Although引导的让步状语从句后面不能接but引导的主句。此外文章结构稍嫌呆板。文章长度符合要求。


  To see the table, we learn that nowadays 1.1 billion people smoke, they are one fifth of the world population 5.8 million. They not only damage their own health, but also cause serious financial loss, this amounts to 20 billion dollars every year. As many as three million people die because smoking. The tobacco to produce drop from 14.364 billion pounds to 14.2 billion pounds.

  It is well-known that smoking is not good for health. And it also involves considerable amount of economic losses.

  But, as we can see from the table, an apparant tendency for the tobacco to decrease is noticed. From this evidence we can reach the conclusion that because of the measures taken by the governments to fight against tobacco products and the people's conscious effort to stay away from cigarettes, the consumption of tobacco products will keep decreasing. As a result, we will suffer less financial losses and deaths due to the smoking of tobacco.

  (158 words)


  文章符合要求,能切题,且分析比较合理,文章层次发展清晰。从分析数字着手,再简述吸烟的危害,最后提出作者对前景的预测以及理由。不足之处在于,句子结构和用词的错误较多,比如第一段中die because smoking应为die because of smoking。apparent误为apparant。句子They not only damage their own health, but also cause serious financialloss, this amounts to 20 billion dollars every year.在逗号的后面应该加一个连接词and,或者将this改成关系代词which。字数符合要求。


  It is seen in the pictures. The total amount of tobacco in 1994 is 14.364 billion pounds. But it decrease to 14.2 billion pound in 1995. It decrease 16.4 million pound. The population of the earth is 5.8 billion the smoking people occupied1.1 billion, about twenty percent of the population. the pictures show also that we loss 200 billion dollar and three million people because smoking.

  however, there were more and more people knew the harm smoking do to their body,they are willing to give off the habit. The world is also taking action to prevent people to smoking. From these facts we can learn that as this trend goes on,there will be less and less smokers and the world output of tobacco will slow. The future will be clean and people will be more healthy if we give off the habitof smoking.




  It is well know that smoking has many disadvances. Firstly, smoking is not good to your body. Every year three million people are killed by smoking. Second, smoking cost a lot of money, maybe as much as 20 billion dollars every year. However, people who smoke are 1.1 billion, they are 20 percent of the population on earth.

  But it is a glad thing to see the decreace of tobacco production from 1994 to 1995. Because may peoples realize smoking is harm to health and to economy, so we can say that the number of smoking peoples will be cut down in the future.(105 words)




  Smoking is harmful. This has already been proved by scientific researches. However, many young people come to smoke nowadays. As a matter of fact, smokers are ruining their health, for smoking can destroy the brain cells which can never be replaced. When the smokers puff at their cigarettes, they expose themselves to many kinds of diseases, and lung cancer is just one of these on a long list.

  Smoking does not only harm the smokers but also people around them. Some people who dont smoke have to tolerate the filthy smell, what's more, the non-smokers are liable to become the victims of smoking and develop the same diseases as thesmokers do.

  Therefore, smoking is a bad habit. Everyone especially the young people should strive to get rid of it. The non-smokers should take up fight for cleaner air, which is also a forceful push for the smokers to break away from smoking.(153 words)



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