瑞典学校名单 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/11/26 19:58 教育涉外监管信息网 | |
一、基本情况 瑞典高等教育分为高等基础教育和研究生教育两个阶段。 高等基础教育文凭分为两类:一类是普通大学文凭,包括:高等学历文凭,学制2年;学士学位,学制3年;硕士学位,学制4年。另一类是高等专业文凭,学制视专业而定(2-5年 瑞典的研究生教育即博士生教育。一般情况博士阶段教育学制4年,以从事科研为主并撰写博士论文,通过公开答辩后方可获得博士学位。 瑞典高校授课语言是瑞典语,但许多必修课使用的是英文课本,学生要阅读的文献也常常是英语。 二、名单 开展博士生教育的高校名单: Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg University Stockholm School of Economics University College of Jönköping Karlstad University Karolinska Institutet Royal Institute of Technology Linköping University LuleåUniversity of Technology Lund University Stockholm Institute of Education Stockholm University The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences UmeåUniversity Uppsala University VäxjöUniversityÖrebro University 其它学院: Blekinge Institute of Technology University College of Dance University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre University College of Borås Dalarna University College University College of Gävle University College of Halmstad University College of Kalmar Kristianstad University College University College of Skövde University College of Trollhättan/Uddevalla University College of Gotland Stockholm University College of Physical Education and Sports University College of Arts, Crafts and Design Royal University College of Fine Arts Royal University College of Music University College of Malmö Mid-Sweden University College University College of Mälardalen Stockholm University College of Opera Södertörns University College National Academy of Mime and Acting cccc |