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Saxion Universities

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 18:11  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

Saxion Universities


The Netherlands

Institute’s Name(Chinese)





   Handelskade 75, Deventer P.O. Box 501

Postal Code


Contact person

Hans van der Velden




00 86 570 66 31 80


00 86 570 66 36 28



Year of Establishment: 1875

Academic level: University,

Major area of professions/programs : Business, Technology, Humanities, Informatics, Science

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority:

[Source of Information]: Dutch Government

Currently approved to issue academic degrees? Bachelor degrees/Master degrees

[Approved by]:

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:

1 : 10

Ratio of international students to Chinese students:

5 : 1

Institution Description

Saxion Universities are located in the east of the Netherlands on two campuses, in the charateristic cities of Deventer and Enschedeand have a student population of 18000 of which 1.000 are international students taking both bachelors and masters programmes in 22 different pathways. In order to facilitate international students to get use to the way of living and studying in the Netherlands as well as equip them with good English proficiency before starting the main courses, Saxion Universities offer English Preparation Courses. International students at Saxion Universities come from all over the world such as: Germany, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, USA, Russia, Hungary, Turkey, Estonia, Korea etc. The International Programmes are taught in English with a comparative cost. The programmes comprise Business & Technical studies and are conducted by experienced & motivated lecturers. A Dutch Bachelor or Master degree is recognised throughout the world and will enable graduates to seek and find employment in their own countries or many other countries across the Globe.

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