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Raffles LaSalle Institute

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 18:56  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

Raffles LaSalle Institute



Institute’s Name(Chinese)





  Level 6 Piccadilly Court 222 Pitt Street NSW

Postal Code


Contact person 

  Michael Mera


Marketing Communications Manager


0061 2 9267 7711


0061 2 9267 3777



Year of Establishment: 2003 (Sydney) 1989 (Singapore)

Academic level: (University, College, High School, Language School, Vocational institution…etc):         VET ( Vocational and Educational Training)

Major area of professions/programs : Design & Business

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority: a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) under the NSW Department of Education and Training. Courses are approved and registered by the Australian Vocational Education Training Accreditation Board (VETAB) to provide nationally-recognised qualifications in Australia, under the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

All courses offered at RAFFLES LaSalle Institute are registered on the Australian Government's Commonwealth Register of Institutes and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) (Code: 02412G). Overseas students can therefore apply for a student visa to pursue a full-time course at the Institute.

[Source of Information]: www.vetab.nsw.gov.au / www.raffles-lasalle.edu.au

Currently approved to issue academic degrees? No, Only up to Advanced Diploma level with pathways to Bachelor Degrees

[Approved by]: Advanced Diploma approved by VETAB – The New South Wales Vocational Education and Training Accreditation Boardv

Number of on board students:


The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:


Ratio of international students to Chinese students:


Institution Description

Raffles LaSalle Institute Sydney is a member the Raffles LaSalle College Group, which operates a network of 12 prestigious design colleges across Asia Pacific. We are one of the region’s leading creative design education providers.

We have 5 design courses - fashion, interior, product, visual communication, multimedia and 6 business courses – Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, Marketing, Management, Retail Operations and Public Relations. The final qualifications range from the Advanced Diploma to Post-Graduate levels.

Our academic courses are coupled with practical internship training programmes and industry networking opportunities in Sydney. Our easily accessible campus is located in the heart of in Sydney.

Our offering:

1. Experienced International teaching staff

2. Internships in industry

3. Small classes (16 per class) offering students more interaction and care.

4. A practical curriculum with strong industry linkages

5. Assistance in job placements

6. Comprehensive student care and counseling

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