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Hacettepe University

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/07 20:52  新浪教育

Institute’s Name

Hacettepe University



Institute’s Name(Chinese)





 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey

Postal Code


Contact person

 Prof. Dr. Burçin Erol


 Assistant to President


 0090 312 2976015


 0090 312 2992025



Year of Establishment: 1967

Academic level: (University, College, High School, Language School, Vocational institution…etc): University

Major area of professions/programs: Undergraduate and graduate programs ( Dentistry, Economic and Administrative Sciences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, Letters, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science)

Current accreditation status in the local educational authority:

[Source of Information]: Founded by Law, accredited, Higher Education Council of Turkey

Currently approved to issue academic degrees? Yes.

[Approved by]:  Higher Education Council of Turkey

Number of on board students:

 26,000. Dorm capacity: 6700

The ratio of Faculty Staff to students:

 20 (only assist prof, assoc prof and full prof)

Ratio of international students to Chinese students:


Institution Description

The origins of Hacettepe University which is a state university in Ankara, chartered in 1967, can be traced back to the Institute of Child Health and Childrens Hospital established in 1958. Today it is a 4-campus university and a flourishing centre of research and learning which admits 6000 students every year to its 9 faculties, 12 schools, 8 vocational schools and a conservatoire. The university has a total of about 31 000 students and a staff of 3350. Hacettepe University is one of the leading research oriented universities in Turkey with international reputation in publication and teaching of high standards.

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