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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/02/17 16:34  《英语学习》

  Anxiety, Depression: It Must Be Sunday

  By Chelsea Lowe

  何涧 选译


  Sunday night is an uneasy time for systems analyst Tom Santos. With the weekend drawing to a close, the 38-year-old man finds himself thinking more and more about the next day at work. The feeling peaks right after dinner when, he gets the sense that "this is your final meal before you have to go back to prison." Santos enjoys his work. But on Sunday nights he always starts to think about solutions to specific problems and has a hard time sleeping.

  He isn't alone. Call it Sunday-night syndrome: the anxiety or depression workers feel as the weekend winds down and Monday looms.

  The back-to-work blues aren't new. However, mental health and human resource professionals say that they have noticed a sharp rise in depression and stress among workers over the past two years as the economy soured and joblessness ratcheted up. Although the unemployment rate dropped, job holders still remain nervous. They feel burdened as employers cut staff and demand more from remaining workers.

  These harried workers often feel as if the weekend is over by Saturday night. People start having to contend with things to prepare for work on Sunday: ironing their shirts, getting their dry cleaning, putting gas in their cars. They feel that even their personal time is getting eaten up by the job.

  Sunday-night depression is "much more common than people realize," said Dr. Harry Sobel, a clinical psychologist.

  The weekend's close, Sobel said, can elicit "a normal mood change because play and fun is ending." But some individuals experience "more profound symptoms-jitters, fears, fantasies of things going wrong." He added that "prior conditioning, a result of high school or college patterns where the individual left work till Sunday night and then panicked as time ran out, can continue to engender feelings of stress at the same time every week."

  Sobel himself is not immune. "I had this syndrome my entire life. I had it in high school. I hate Sundays," he said.

  Common symptoms can include anxiety, moodiness and problems with sleep. Professional help might be warranted for workers who encounter physical symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, appetite changes or trouble concentrating at work on Monday morning.

  Also employers can improve employee loyalty and productivity by allowing restorative pauses such as full lunch-hour breaks.

  Experts said exercising, yoga, and getting together with friends help to minimize the stresses in one's work and personal life. Workers can also minimize impending dread by building in more fun during the week, especially Monday. You should make sure that Monday nights are frequently a time that you meet friends, build in romance . . . make Monday night a good night.











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