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新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 新浪教育合作媒体特色解读(第三期) > 正文


http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/03/16 14:05  英语辅导报

  Gerard Benson

  Three birds flew in a clouded sky.

  One was you and one was I

  And no one knows the other.

  The sky was heavy, soft and warm,

  And off we flew to cheat①and storm,

  You, I, and the other.

  To cheat the storm, away we flew;

  One was white and one was blue.

  A raven②was the other.

  We flew to far-off③countries, where

  Soft waters speak to brittle④air,

  Always with the other.

  And there we bathed in silver springs

  And shook the water from our wings;

  And with us came the other.

  And in those fair, enchanted⑤lands,

  We built our nest upon the sands;

  And still with us the other.

  And when we sang, the trilling⑥notes

  Like liquid, rippled⑦from our throats;

  He never sang, that other.

  Three birds mount toward the sun;

  One is you, and I am one

  And no one knows the other.



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