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风水 A Place for Everything

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/13 13:45  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  A Place for Everything


Feng shui is catching on around the world 风水之说流行全世界

  As any real estate agent will tell you, the cost of a house depends on a range of factors. Size, layout and location are all key considerations. But the
se days, especially in California, a house’s feng shui may also be figured into the price. In fact, feng shui is so big on the west coast, that a homeowner may tear down walls or even relocate an entire building to improve a home’s asking price.


  The expression“feng shui”is often translated as“Chinese geomancy”in English. But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct. A better way to describe feng shui might be to say it is about aligning one’s surroundings in order to enhance natural energy flow. According to feng shui principles, if the surroundings are harmonious with nature, the person in the surroundings will be in harmony with nature also.


  How do you know if the feng shui in your home is good or not? Many people bring in a“feng shui master”to tell them. This expert may advise the placement of mirrors in certain areas, tell you where water should flow and where it shouldn’t, and change the position of your bed. Sometimes he will suggest even more radical changes, such as the relocation of your front door.


  “I was pretty skeptical at first,”said Tom Martins, a freelance writer in San Francisco, whose wife hired a feng shui master to look at their home.“He told me to change my office layout, and I did it, mostly to humor my wife. But it had an almost immediate effect on my work. Not only was I better able to concentrate, but I suddenly started getting more work than I could handle.”


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