I'm asking why | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/05/19 16:40 新浪教育 | |
(作者/雪原) 第4天晚上9:00,我实在撑不住了,我感到胸口实在难受,我喘不上气了。没错,就是胸闷气短。老爸说:“出去走走吧。” 我穿上大衣,到了楼下,天很黑,没有月亮。耳机中传来的是《Engima3》。我随着 我想到了考试,我想到了他们,我想到了元旦的不快,我想到了父母对我的失望,我想到了自己的未来,我越跑越快,越跑越快…… 终于,我停下了,我太累了,我跑不动了,我感到小腿都要抽筋了。我坐在路边,喘着粗气,这时大腿生疼,我动不了了。我感到出奇得寒冷。我看着那一辆辆的汽车开得飞快,能感到它们呼呼的跑着,带走了我的灵魂。Engima让我迷幻,让我失去了往日的平静。
(Michael Cretu) I was childish and unfair To you, my only friend I regret, but now it's too late I can't show you any more The things I've learned from you Cause life just took you away I'm asking why I'm asking why Nobody gives an answer I'm just asking why But someday we'll meet again And I'll ask you I'll ask you why Why it has to be like this I'm asking you why Please give me an answer Many years and stupid fights Till we accept to see How it was and it'll always be Why it has to be like this Why we don't realize Why we're too blind to see the one Who's always on our side I'm asking why I'm asking why Nobody gives an answer I'm just asking why Just tell me why Why it has to be like this That the good ones disappear I'm asking you why I'm asking why I'm asking why Nobody gives an answer I'm just asking why I'm asking why 我坐着,面部表情僵硬,我冷笑着。我问自己,这就是学习吗?用功就要这样吗?高三吗,你他妈的就是这样吗?我心中大声地喊着:“I’m asking why! I’m asking why……” Why? why? Why? I’m asking why! Please give me an answer…… 我知道这是我自找的。 我失落地回到家,就像一条打了败仗的狗。我天天出去跑,但心情一天比一天糟糕。 |