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成名的代价 The Price of Fame

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/06/08 12:08  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

  Brad Pitt is easily one of the world’s best looking and most successful actors. But he wishes he could go shopping in peace.


  When you’re worth a fortune, are widely regarded as one of the world’s
most beautiful people, and are married to another of the world’s most beautiful people, what’s left to complain about?


  If you’re Brad Pitt, you complain about how famous you are.


  “Fame’s a bitch,” Pitt once told an interviewer, and it’s not hard to understand why. Pitt and his wife, Jennifer Anniston, are considered by many to be the most famous and beautiful Hollywood couple ever. Therefore, they tend to attract attention wherever they go.


  “When somebody follows you 20 blocks to the pharmacy, where they watch you buy toilet paper, you know your life has changed,” Anniston once remarked about the reporters and fans who follow the couple around.


  Still, Pitt probably prefers his current situation to the days before he made it big. Back then, he paid the bills by driving a taxi, moving refrigerators and dressing up as a giant chicken to promote a fast food restaurant.


  Still, the actor finds ways to keep himself humble. “You know, I telephoned my grandparents the other day,” he said. “My grandfather said to me, ‘We saw your movie.’ ‘Which one?’ I said, and he shouted, ‘Betty, what was the name of that movie I didn’t like?’ If that doesn’t keep your feet on the ground, what would?”


  Of course, if Brad gets a little full of himself every now and then, that could be understood. After all, not every actor gets to play Achilles, the legendary Greek hero in Troy. Pitt insisted on doing much of his own stunt work on the film, and the production had to be delayed when he injured himself, ironically in his Achilles tendon.


  But getting hurt is one thing that Pitt doesn’t complain about. Guy Ritchie, who directed Pitt in Snatch remembers, “Brad was blown up, thrown around, burned, slapped, frozen. But never a moan or a whine. Now that’s what I call a star.”



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