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2005年高考总复习:高一英语--Unit 4

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/07 10:42  新浪教育

  Unit 4 Travel

  Lesson 13

  1. Do give her my regards.

  1)“do+动词原形”构成的祈使句,语气较强,表示“务必 ……,一定要……”,do在句中要重读。例如:

  Do remember the rules of the game!

  一般现在时和一般过去时的陈述句中,我们也可以借助 do,does,did来加强动词的语气。它们在句中也要重读。例如:

  I do like your painting.

  2)give sb. one s regards意思为“向某人问好”,这里regards意为“祝愿,问侯”(=best wishes)。例如:

  Give your family my regards.

  2.go off to...

  off此处为副词,意思为“离开”,to是介词,后面表示地 点的名词或词组。go off to...意思是“(离开所在的地方)启程去另一个地方”,相当于leave for...。例如:

  They are going off to(=leaving for)America in two days.

  3. see...off

  see...off意思为“给某人送行”。如果see后面接代词,则必须放在off前;若后接名词,则可以放在off前,也可放在off后。其反义词组“接某人”是meet sb.。例如:

  We went to the railway station to see him off.

  I ll meet you at the airport when you come back.

  4.My plane leaves at seven.


  Lessons 14& 15

  1.I can smell it.我可以闻到它。 “smell”和第六单元中我们讲到的“taste”的用法一样。


  She was smelling the flowers.她正在闻那些花。

  She smelled the meat to see if it is fresh.她闻了闻这块肉想看看它是否新鲜。

  The flowers smell sweet.这些花闻起来很香。

  The dish smells good.这道菜闻起来很香。


  Your idea sounds interesting.你的主意听起来很有趣。

  He looked happy when I told him the news.当我告诉他这个消息时,他很高兴。

  2. take off

  take off这里表示“(飞机)起飞”(= leave),用作不及物动词词组,后面不能跟宾语。take off还有“脱下(衣服),休假”等意思。例如:

  My plane takes off(=leaves)at three in the afternoon.

  Take your coat off.

  You look very tired,why not take several days off?你看


  3.They move on to a new place every two or three years.


  1)副词on表示动作的方向、时间的持续等。有“往前”、 “继续(干某事)”的意思。例如:

  They walked on a little way without speaking.他们往前 走了一段,谁都没有讲话。

  He talked on about his travel in the forest.他继续说着他在森林里旅行的趣事。


  Write only on every other line,please.请隔行写。

  We have English lessons every other day.我们隔天有英语课。

  They usually go to see their parents every three months. 他们通常每隔三个月去看他们的父母。

  4.be made from/of...

  be made from/of...意思都是“由……制成”。be made from通常指制成品看不出原材料,be made of通常指制成后还可以看出原材料。例如:

  The bridge is made of stones.

  Paper is made from wood.

  另外,made常用的结构还有 be made by...(被谁制成), be made in...(在哪里制成),be made into...(被制成……)。


  This kind of watch is made in Switzerland.

  Flour,sugar and eggs are made into cakes by mother.

  5.It is wrong to eat monkeys.

  在It is wrong to do sth.结构中,it用作形式主语,真正 的主语是不定式短语 to do sth.。此结构可归纳成: It is/ was+adj.+to do。例如:

  It is lucky to meet you here.

  It is wonderful to travel by air.

  6.We can see them flying along the river.我们可以看到它们沿着河边飞翔。

  英语中有些表示感觉的动词,如:see,notice,watch,hear 等可以用于下列结构中:“see/notice/watch/hear sb.do sth.”和“see/notice/watch/hear sb.doing sth.”,但两者意义上有 区别。“see sb. do sth.”意思是“看见某人做过什么”,它强调 动作完成了,而“see sb.doing sth.”意思是“看见某人正在做 什么”,它强调动作正在进行。例如:

  I saw him crossing the street.我看见他正在过马路。

  I saw him cross the street.我看见他过马路了。

  I heard him singing in the next room.我听见他在隔壁 唱歌。

  I heard him sing in the next room.我听见他在隔壁唱歌了。

  7.This afternoon I was just about to go swimming when luckily our guide saw me…今天下午我正要去游泳,这时我们 的向导看到我了……。

  1)“be about to do sth.”意思是“马上/正要干某事”。例 如:

  Mrs Smith was about to begin,but Jennie spoke first.史 密斯太太正要开始,可詹妮首先讲话了。

  He met her in the doorway just as she was about to go away.就在她刚要走时,他在门口遇见了她。

  2) 句中的“when”是并列连词,意思是“在那时”,相当于 “at that time”。用来表示突然发生某事。例如:

  I hadn t been reading for half an hour when I heard steps out side.我看书还不到半小时,就在这时我听到外边有脚步声。

  I was about to leave when the telephone rang.我刚要 走,就在这时电话铃响了。

  8.They can eat a person in two minutes,leaving only bones.

  这里分词短语leaving only bones用作结果状语,修饰谓 语动词eat。分词短语还可以用作目的状语或伴随状语。例如:

  She sat there waiting for him.她坐在那儿等他。(目的状语)

  Laughing and talking,the students went out of the class room.学生们又说又笑地走出教室。(伴随状语)

  9.What a bad sight it was!

  这是一句感叹句。英语的感叹句型是: “what(a)+名词+主语+谓语!”。当句型中的名词是不

  可数名词单数时, what后要加a;若名词是可数名词复数或 不可数名词时,则what 后不可加a。例如:

  What an interesting book it is!What beautiful girls they are!

  What a silly question you asked!

  英语感叹句另外一个句型是:“how+形容词/副词+主 语+谓语!”例如:

  How clever she is!

  How fast she is running!

  10.nothing but/except... Under the soil there s nothing but sand.

  nothing but/except...意为“除……外一无所有,只有”(= only)。注意:若后接动词时,一般要接省略to的不定式。


  I found nothing in the empty house except some broken glasses.

  I could hear nothing but a strange sound in the forest.

  The baby did nothing but cry after he woke up.

  He did nothing every day except watch TV at home.

  例1 单项填空

  We were reading the light went out. A. while B. what C. when D. where

  【解析】 答案为C。


  例2 单项填空

  When Tom was ill in hospital, his classmates went to see him .

  A. every a few days B. every two days

  C. everyday D. every the second day

  【解析】 答案为B。

  本题考查every表“每隔……的”的用法。A项要去掉a; C项要分开写;D项该去掉the。

  例3 单项填空

  The boy was last seen near the river.

  A. missing; playing B. missing; play

  C. missed; played D. missed; to play

  【解析】 答案为A。

  本题考查非谓语动词用法。“丢失,走失”该用missing 或lost;see / notice / watch / hear sb. do sth. 用于被动句时 要用带to的不定式。另外see / notice / watch / hear sb. do sth. 和see / notice /watch / hear sb. doing sth. 在用法上也有区别(参见上文)。所以选A。 


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