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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/08 16:40  紫铭培训



  1. University of Adelaide

  2. Australian Catholic University

  3. Australian National University

  4. University of Ballarat

  5. Bond University

  6. University of Canberra

  7. Central Queensland University

  8. Charles Sturt University

  9 . Curtin University of Technology

  10. Deakin University

  11. Edith Cowan University

  12. Flinders University of South Australia

  13. Griffith University

  14. James Cook University

  15. La Trobe University

  16. Macquarie University

  17. University of Melbourne

  18. Monash University

  19. Murdoch University

  20. University of New England

  21. University of New South Wales

  22. University of Newcastle

  23. Northern Territory University

  24. University of Notre Dame Australia

  25. University of Queensland

  26. Queensland University of Technology

  27. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  28. Southern Cross University

  29. University of South Australia

  30. University of Southern Queensland

  31. Swinburne University of Technology

  32. University of Sydney

  33. University of Tasmania

  34. University of Technology , Sydney

  35. University of the Sunshine Coast

  36. Victoria University of Technology

  37. University of Western Australia

  38. University of Western Sydney

  39. University of Wollongong



  Canberra Institute of Technology

  New South Wales新南威尔士

  Hunter Institute of Technology

  Illawarra Institute of Technology

  New England Institute of TAFE

  Noth Coast Institute of TAFE

  Northern Sydney Institute of TAFE

  Riverina Institute of TAFE

  South Western Sydney Institute of TAFE

  Southern Sydney Institute of TAFE

  Sydney Institute of Technology

  Western Institute of TAFE

  Western Sydney Institute of TAFE

  Northern Territory北领地

  Centralian College

  Institute of TAFE (University of Northern Territory)

  Queensland 昆士兰

  Cairns College of TAFE

  Centre for Language Education (ELICOS Centre)

  College of Tourism and Hospitality

  Gold Coast Institute of TAFE

  Ithaca College of TAFE

  Kangaroo Point College of TAFE

  Mount Gravatt College of TAFE

  South Brisbane College of TAFE

  Toowoomba College of TAFE

  Townsville College of TAFE

  Yeronga College of TAFE

  South Australia 南澳

  Adelaide Institute of Vocational Education

  Marleston-Panorama Institute of Vocational Education

  Para Institute of Vocational Education

  Regency Institute of Vocational Education

  Torrens Valley Institute of Vocational Education

  Tasmania 塔西马尼亚

  Drysdale Institute of TAFE

  Hobart Institute of TAFE

  Launceston Institute of TAFE

  North West Institute of TAFE

  Victoria 维多利亚

  Ballarat College of TAFE

  Batman College of TAFE

  Box Hill College of TAFE

  Dandenong College of TAFE

  Gordon Technical College

  Holmesglen College of TAFE

  Loddon Campaspe College of TAFE

  Moorabbin College of TAFE

  Northern Metropolitan College of TAFE

  Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (TAFE)

  Swinburne University (TAFE)

  Western Metropolitan College of TAFE

  Western Australia 西澳

  Midland College of TAFE

  South East Metropolitan College of TAFE

  Challenger TAFE

  Central TAFE

  West Coast College

  Central West College of TAFE

  CY O’Connor College of TAFE

  Eastern Pilbara College of TAFE

  Great Southern TAFE

  West Pilbara College of TAFE

  Kimberley College of TAFE

  South West Regional College of TAFE

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