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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  Faking It in the Word of Fats and Sugars


  by Kathiann M. Kowalski

  Shop in any supermarket, and you’ll find lots of sugar-free and fat-free foods. What’s in them, and how good for you are they?

  Something Sweet

  Sugar, corn syrup, honey, and other natural sweeteners stimulate certain receptors on your tongue. They send nerve messages that make your brain say, “Sweet!” However, the receptors can be “tricked” by other molecu

  Aspartame, known as NutraSweet, is made from two amino acids which normally serve as building blocks for proteins. While the body metabolizes (uses) it like protein, explains George Pauli at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “t just happens to bind to taste buds to give a sweet taste.” Also, Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar, so people need to consume very little to get a sweet product.

  Acesulfame K, or Sunett, combines potassium with acetoacetic acid. Saccharin, which has been around since 1879, is made from methyl anthranilate, a substance in grapes. The body doesn’t metabolize either compound.

  On the other hand, sucralose, known as Splenda, is made from sucrose, or table sugar. Because chlorine atoms fill certain spots on the molecule, your body can’t digest it. It adds no calories, yet it’s 600 times sweeter than regular sugar.

  Other sweeteners are undergoing FDA review. Natural sugar alcohols, such as sorbitol, sweeten foods, too.

  Why so many sweeteners? Some have a longer shelf life. Others hold up better in baking. Variety lets food manufacturers choose which ingredient works best.

  Fixing the Fat

  Fat replacers come from carbohydrates, proteins, and even fats themselves. Carbohydrate-based replacers, such as dextrins and gums, provide the texture and flow properties of fat.

  Protein-based replacers also aim to give the “mouth feel” of fat. One example is microparticulated protein, such as Simplesse. “It’s a whipped up protein and air product,” explains Pauli.

  Olestra, or olean, is probably the best known replacer made from fat itself. It’s either soybean oil or cottonseed oil, combined with sucrose.

  “Glycerol plus three fatty acids equals regular digestible fat,” explains Greg Allgood at olestra developer Procter & Gamble. “lestra is sugar plus eight fatty acids.” The configuration of that large molecule keeps digestive enzymes from attaching-a condition that chemists call stearic hindrance. As a result, olestra can’t be digested. It adds no calories or fat to chips or other salty snacks.

  What About Safety?

  Low-cal and low-fat foods sound too good to be true. Are their substitute ingredients safe?

  Saccharin use began before 1958, when the FDA started requiring approvals for new food ingredients. Various groups, including the American Cancer Society and the American Dietetic Association, have said saccharin is acceptable when used reasonably.

  For products that have gotten FDA approval, Pauli says, assume they’re okay. “pproval means that our scientists have concluded that there’s a reasonable certainty that no harm will result from the intended use of the food ingredient,” he explains.

  Approval comes only after many animal and human tests. Olestra, for example, underwent over 150 studies with more than 20,000 people. Because some vitamins are fat-soluble, olestra foods are vitamin-fortified. The initial label advised that too much could cause more frequent bowel movements, just as too many beans or apples could, says Pauli. But since that wasn’t harmful, the label is “not a warning.” Based on later testing, a revised label will have less alarming language, note Pauli and Allgood.

  Aspartame products warn that people with a rare genetic disease, phenylketonuria, cannot eat one of its ingredients. But scares about seizures, headaches, and other problems are unfounded, says the FDA. “There was a lot of follow-up testing done,” emphasizes Pauli.

  No fake fat or sweetener is a “magic pill” for weight loss. Nor does safety make fat or sugar replacers a good choice for everyone. “Children need calories to grow. They need a certain amount of fat as an essential nutrient,” stresses Pauli. “Balance is the best approach. In other words, avoid extremes.”

  Nonetheless, millions of Americans are overweight, and people with diabetes must restrict their sugar and fat intake. Safe replacement ingredients can help these people control their diets and make sound nutrition choices.

  The Taste Test

  Allgood says that he and his daughter love the taste of olestra snacks. “You can develop all the foods you want that have health benefits,” he explains, “but if they don’t taste good, people aren’t going to eat them.”

  The same goes for all foods made with fat or sugar replacers. So, why not put your taste buds to work? Design a “blind” taste test for family and friends that compares one product containing a fat or sugar substitute with the “real thing.”

























  Sweet Serendipity

  Like other areas of science, food chemistry requires intelligence and hard work. However, luck plays a role, too.

  G.D. Searle & Co.’s James Schlatter was researching ulcer medicines in 1965. When he licked his finger to grab a piece of paper, he noticed a sweet flavor. The taste turned out to be aspartame. (Warning: Never lick your fingers when you are working with chemicals!)

  Also in the 1960s, Procter & Gamble’s Fred Mattson hoped to develop an energy-intense fat molecule to help feed premature infants with tiny stomachs. What he got was just the opposite: Olestra, a fat with no calories.

  For more information:

  http://www.fda.gov (Food and Drug Administration)

  http://ificinfo.health.org (International Food Information Council)

  http://www.caloriecontrol.org (Calorie Control Council)

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