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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  dishing out New foods


  by Natalie M. Rosinsky

  No peas or mashed potatoes fly through the air, but each year at the meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, college students battle over whose idea for a new kind of food will be judged best. Six teams of food science and technology majors try to win top honors- and a $1000 prize-in the annual Product Development Student Competition.For each of the last six years, a team from Cornell Universi
ty in Ithaca, New York, has made it to this prestigious final round of competition.

  Tracy Luckow, captain of the 1999 Cornell team, explains that food scientists consider social trends as well as available ingredients and equipment when designing a new food product. Tracy and her 14 teammates thought “Sweet Spots”-a microwavable apple coated with caramel and oat flakes and filled with vanilla ice cream -would be a crowd pleaser. After all, in this “era of indulgence” even health-conscious people eat “small portions of real desserts”.

  “Sweet Spots” used the sturdy Jonagold apple developed by Cornell pommologists (apple specialists), ice cream made at the campus dairy, and peeling and coring equipment already available at the college’s Geneva, New York processing plant. The team met the big challenge of preventing ice cream from melting in a microwave oven by devising an ice-cream-filled tube coated with polyester and lined with foil. The tube is removed before you eat. Judges would evaluate the “feasibility” of this new product -whether it could be mass-produced economically with existing technology. “Marketability” -whether a product fills a unique spot for consumers, preferably through processes a manufacturer can patent as its own -would also be judged in the competition.

  To reach the finalist stage, competing teams each February submit a written report to IFT judges that describes their product’s taste, stability, and compliance with safety and health regulations. They also submit one or more prototypes of their food. When a team is selected as one of the six finalists, Tracy says, students may (as her team did) “work up to the last minute” before the summer competition to fine-tune their product.

  At the competition, after an oral presentation, poster display, and product sampling by judges, the proud “Sweet Spots” team found themselves in the “Sweet spot” of first runners-up. And it had all begun less than a year before, when Tracy Luckow was “eating an apple and didn’t want to get up to throw out the core. . . .”

  Cornell University’s finalist entry in the 2000 IFT competition was “Salad Barz,” a snack food made with freeze-dried vegetables. David Feuerman, captain of the team, notes that they have appealed to health-conscious consumers by including cholesterol-lowering omega-3 fats, as well as vegetables, in their new product. David says the team’s big challenge was creating a mouth-satisfying texture for the “barz.” But life “dished out” a tough lesson to this hard-working, creative team. Because they failed to meet a deadline for the last written report, the Cornell students were disqualified from competing in the final round of competition.

  “Coffee Capps” -a frozen dairy creamer created by students from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -won first prize in the 2000 IFT student competition. This new product not only adds flavor but “forms a frothy foam when added to coffee.” To learn more about food science and other finalist entries in this annual competition, check out these Web sites:


  (Institute of Food Technologists)


  (Food Science Department and student club at Cornell University)








  Prototype An early example or sample of something, on which later improvements might be based

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