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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/04 19:00  新浪教育

  How Healthy Is Your Diet?


  by Kathiann M. Kowalski

  Do you only read the Nutrition Facts label to figure out how many calories your cookies have? If so, you’re missing out on the real benefits of an important nutrition tool.

  Use the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) Nutrition Facts label with the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Food Guide Pyramid. These easy-to-use tools can help you choose a healthy diet.

  Read the Label

  Start with the size and number of servings per package. If you actually eat two servings of chips, for example, double all the calories and nutrients.

  Don’t just look at the total calories and calories from fat. “People can use the label not just to limit nutrients that are linked to increased risks for diseases,” says Naomi Kulakow at the FDA, “but also to get enough of others that reduce health risks.” To stay under 100 percent of your daily values for fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, choose foods with a low percentage Daily Value (DV).

  On the other hand, says Kulakow, “You want to get at least 100 percent of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.” As a rough guide, 5 percent or less represents a small amount of a nutrient. Twenty percent or more is high.

  The label’s percentages are based on an adult eating 2,000 calories daily. Each person’s calorie requirements vary according to age, weight, and activity level. Nonetheless, percent DVs are an easy-to-use reference for comparing foods.

  Choose Your Foods

  Does the Nutrition Facts label tell which foods are “good” or “bad”? No, says Kulakow, but there are good and bad diets.

  “It’s the diet for the day, not necessarily an individual food, that matters,” she stresses. “It’s how you balance your choices that counts. The label’s important because it empowers you to make informed choices and dietary trade-offs to achieve balance and moderation.”

  In other words, if your other choices are sensible, enjoy some ice cream. Just don’t devour a triple cheeseburger, supersize fries, and sugary soda, too.

  Where can you find healthy choices? “The Food Guide Pyramid can be very helpful,” says Kulakow. Eat plenty of grains, especially whole grains. Include five to nine servings of vegetables and fruits, plus two to three servings each from the milk and meat groups. Pay attention to serving size.

  Then read labels and compare. FDA requires almost all packaged foods to carry nutrition labels. Supermarkets often display charts or similar information for produce, seafood, and certain meats. Even fast food restaurants often give nutrition information if you ask.

  Now, please join the activity to discover whether your diet measures up.















  Does Your Diet Measure Up?


  Use a notebook, ruler, and pen to check your food choices. Start by focusing on saturated fat and calcium.

  Saturated fat can increase risks for heart disease and some cancers. Try to stay under 100 percent of the DV.

  On the other hand, most teens don’t get enough calcium. Teens need even more calcium than adults because bones grow significantly between ages 11 and 18. Aim for 130 percent of the DV.

  1. Draw a vertical line down the center of your notebook paper. Draw another line halfway between that line and the right margin. Label the columns Food, Calcium, and Saturated Fat.

  2. Beginning with breakfast, list every food, drink, and snack you consume in the left column. (Hint: Don’t skip breakfast. Not only do you need the energy, but most people get significant amounts of calcium at breakfast.)

  3. In the other columns, list each food’s percent DV for calcium and saturated fat from the Nutrition Facts label. Include all servings you eat of each food.

  4. At the end of the day, add up the percent DVs. Did your calcium add up to 130 percent, or would more skim milk or calcium-fortified juice have helped? Did you limit saturated fat to less than 100 percent, or did those four pieces of pizza push you over the top?

  5. Chart your choices for a second day. Try to come closer to your goals. If some of your calcium-rich choices from Day 1 were high in saturated fat, for example, try substituting lower-fat alternatives.

  As you get in the habit of reading labels, focus on other nutrients, too. Choose wisely, and you can enjoy lots of healthy, delicious foods.




  1. 在笔记本的一页的中间划一条竖线。在这条线和右边距的中间再划一条线。把这三栏标为“食品”、“钙”和“饱和脂肪”。

  2. 从早饭开始,在左面一栏列出你吃的每一样食物、饮料和零食。(注意:不要不吃早餐。不仅仅是因为你需要能量,还因为大多数人从早餐获得大量的钙。)

  3. 在其他两栏中,按照食品标签的内容,列出食物中所含每日所需营养素的百分比。要包含你所吃每一种食物的份数。

  4. 在一天结束后,把所有营养素的百分比加起来。你摄入的钙加起来达到了130%吗?或者吃更多的脱脂牛奶或高钙果汁有帮助吗?你把饱和脂肪的摄入量限制在100%以下了吗?那四块比萨饼是不是让你的营养素摄入量达到了最高点?

  5. 为你第二天的选择画一张图。尽量要接近你的目标。如果第一天所选择的高钙食品中含很多饱和脂肪,那你就要用饱和脂肪含量低的食物来替换它。


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